Ko Shan."Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 1997-98, design report."Includes bibliographical references.Chapter 1. --- IntroductionChapter 1.1. --- PrologueChapter 1.2. --- Point of DepartureChapter 2. --- Project DescriptionChapter 2.1. --- Design ObjectiveChapter 2.2. --- Project possibilitiesChapter 2.3. --- Site SelectionChapter 2.4. --- Client's ProfileChapter 2.5. --- User's ProfileChapter 2.6. --- Scope of WorkChapter 2.7. --- Facility ProgramChapter 2.8. --- ZoningChapter 3. --- Site PlanningChapter 3.1. --- Preliminary Options - Tsim Sha TsuiChapter 3.2. --- Preliminary Options - CentralChapter 3.3. --- FinalChapter 3.4. --- Design Issues and ConceptsChapter 4. --- Building De...