Ko Fai."Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 1999-2000, design report."Includes bibliographical references.Chapter 1 --- The ProjectChapter 1.1 --- a MetaphorChapter 1.2 --- a VisionChapter 1.3 --- Objective of ThesisChapter 1.4 --- BackgroundChapter - --- History of Urban Renewal in Hong KongChapter - --- Setting up of LDCChapter - --- Major Issues in Urban RenewalChapter - --- Setting up of Urban Renewal AuthorityChapter 1.5 --- Different Approaches tor RedevelopmentChapter 1.6 --- Searching for OpportunitiesChapter 1.7 --- Acquired Lot Distribution in a districtChapter 1.8 --- Acquired Units Distribution in a buildingChapter 1.9 --- Acquired Lot / Unit distribution Pattern in two Buil...