The essential oil extracted from aerial parts of Lippia microphylla Cham. (Verbenaceae) (LM-OE) presents as major compounds thymol and carvacrol. The aim of this study was to investigate and to characterize oil LM-OE spasmolytic effect on guinea pig ileum, as well to verify if this effect is due its major compunds, thymol and carvacrol. Were performed measures of isometric and isotonic contractions and cytosolic calcium. LM-OE inhibited phasic contractions induced by 10-6 M of histamine or carbachol (CCh) (IC50 = 15.8 ± 2.3 e 24.4 ± 2.9 μg/mL, respectively). In a similar manner, thymol, carvacrol and thymol/carvacrol mixture antagonized histamine- (IC50 = 14.2 ± 1.6; 13.6 ± 1.3 e 13 ± 2.1 μg/mL, respectively) ou CCh- (IC50 = 21.3 ± 3.8; 16 ...
A bexiga urinária recebe inervação autonômica simpática e parassimpática, que atuam conjuntamente pa...
Cissampelos sympodialis Eichl., (Menispermaceae) is popularly known as “milona". This species has sh...
Marine natural products have attracted the attention of researchers due to be a potencial source to ...
The essential oil extracted from aerial parts of Lippia microphylla Cham. (Verbenaceae) (LM-OE) pres...
The genus Lippia (Verbenaceae) has yielded a great number of medicinal and economically important sp...
Many Annonaceae species are odoriferous due to the presence of essential oils and these have attract...
The species Lippia microphylla Cham. has been described in Guyana and in Brazil, popularly known as ...
From the stem bark of Xylopia langsdorfiana A. St.-Hil. & Tul. (Annonaceae), popularly known as pim...
O óleo essencial do orégano apresenta entre seus principais constituintes o carvacrol (70%). O extra...
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by Th2 immune cell infiltrates...
Lippia microphylla Cham. (Verbenaceae), known as “alecrim-do-mato”, “alecrim-de-tabuleiro” and “ale...
8(17),12e,14-labdatrien-18 oic acid (labdane-302), is a diterpene isolated from the stem bark of Xyl...
Solanum agrarium Sendtner known popularly as babá , gogóia , and melancia da praia . In folk medi...
Piptadenia stipulacea (Benth.) Ducke (Fabaceae) is a typical tree of Caatinga, popularly known as “j...
O presente trabalho teve como proposta caracterizar o subtipo funcional de mAChR na célula ? pancreá...
A bexiga urinária recebe inervação autonômica simpática e parassimpática, que atuam conjuntamente pa...
Cissampelos sympodialis Eichl., (Menispermaceae) is popularly known as “milona". This species has sh...
Marine natural products have attracted the attention of researchers due to be a potencial source to ...
The essential oil extracted from aerial parts of Lippia microphylla Cham. (Verbenaceae) (LM-OE) pres...
The genus Lippia (Verbenaceae) has yielded a great number of medicinal and economically important sp...
Many Annonaceae species are odoriferous due to the presence of essential oils and these have attract...
The species Lippia microphylla Cham. has been described in Guyana and in Brazil, popularly known as ...
From the stem bark of Xylopia langsdorfiana A. St.-Hil. & Tul. (Annonaceae), popularly known as pim...
O óleo essencial do orégano apresenta entre seus principais constituintes o carvacrol (70%). O extra...
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by Th2 immune cell infiltrates...
Lippia microphylla Cham. (Verbenaceae), known as “alecrim-do-mato”, “alecrim-de-tabuleiro” and “ale...
8(17),12e,14-labdatrien-18 oic acid (labdane-302), is a diterpene isolated from the stem bark of Xyl...
Solanum agrarium Sendtner known popularly as babá , gogóia , and melancia da praia . In folk medi...
Piptadenia stipulacea (Benth.) Ducke (Fabaceae) is a typical tree of Caatinga, popularly known as “j...
O presente trabalho teve como proposta caracterizar o subtipo funcional de mAChR na célula ? pancreá...
A bexiga urinária recebe inervação autonômica simpática e parassimpática, que atuam conjuntamente pa...
Cissampelos sympodialis Eichl., (Menispermaceae) is popularly known as “milona". This species has sh...
Marine natural products have attracted the attention of researchers due to be a potencial source to ...