Maps are created for different purposes. Among the various types of maps, cadastral maps are created by cadastral surveying. Cadastral maps are used for management of land and land-related activities by Government organisations or other institutions in various countries. Cadastral map making is both an art and a science, and the data about a surveyed land parcel are collected and incorporated in cadastral maps. Technological development has resulted in the development of simple methods for cadastral mapping. The Indian cadastral system for the state of Tamil Nadu is described in this paper. The challenges of conversion while scanning conventional paper-based land records to make digital records are explained. The procedure for selecting an ...
Satellite images are used for feature extraction among other functions. They are used to extract lin...
Deposited with permission of the author. © 2001 Dr. Wolfgang EffenbergThe management of a cadastral ...
This is a paper from the 39th Australian Surveyors Congress 1998.The current system of land registra...
Maps are created for different purposes. Among the various types of maps, cadastral maps are created...
Maps are created for different purposes. Among the various types of maps, cadastral maps are created...
A Land Administration System (LAS) with its cadastral component is the infrastructure that facilitat...
This paper presents the problem of cadastral maps. The hitherto existing cadastre, consisting of pap...
The poor implementation of land administration in India has resulted in lot of court cases (Ravi 200...
Publisher’s version is restricted access in accordance with the publisher’s policy.The benefits of a...
Cadastre, which defines legal status and rights specifying the boundaries of the immovable property ...
Estimates suggest that only thirty percent of the world’s population has access to formal land admin...
In 1973, the New Zealand Government instituted a metric measurement system and the New Zealand Depar...
Abstract- Currently, the surveying and cadastral mapping which serve for the land management is impo...
Abstract:A cadastral map shows the boundaries of all land parcels on large scale maps together with ...
In the present study an attempt was made to generate cadastral base from high resolution satellite i...
Satellite images are used for feature extraction among other functions. They are used to extract lin...
Deposited with permission of the author. © 2001 Dr. Wolfgang EffenbergThe management of a cadastral ...
This is a paper from the 39th Australian Surveyors Congress 1998.The current system of land registra...
Maps are created for different purposes. Among the various types of maps, cadastral maps are created...
Maps are created for different purposes. Among the various types of maps, cadastral maps are created...
A Land Administration System (LAS) with its cadastral component is the infrastructure that facilitat...
This paper presents the problem of cadastral maps. The hitherto existing cadastre, consisting of pap...
The poor implementation of land administration in India has resulted in lot of court cases (Ravi 200...
Publisher’s version is restricted access in accordance with the publisher’s policy.The benefits of a...
Cadastre, which defines legal status and rights specifying the boundaries of the immovable property ...
Estimates suggest that only thirty percent of the world’s population has access to formal land admin...
In 1973, the New Zealand Government instituted a metric measurement system and the New Zealand Depar...
Abstract- Currently, the surveying and cadastral mapping which serve for the land management is impo...
Abstract:A cadastral map shows the boundaries of all land parcels on large scale maps together with ...
In the present study an attempt was made to generate cadastral base from high resolution satellite i...
Satellite images are used for feature extraction among other functions. They are used to extract lin...
Deposited with permission of the author. © 2001 Dr. Wolfgang EffenbergThe management of a cadastral ...
This is a paper from the 39th Australian Surveyors Congress 1998.The current system of land registra...