Embora os escamados sejam comumente encontrados em sítios fossilíferos cenozóicos sul−americanos, materiais esqueléticos completos são raros. Apenas alguns poucos exemplares assim foram registrados, com a maioria dos achados representando materiais fragmentários de crânio e mandíbulas ou vértebras isoladas. Dentre as localidades provedoras de vertebrados fósseis na América do Sul, a Formação Chichínales se destaca pela recente descoberta, em seus sedimentos, de um crânio quase completo de um lagarto teiídeo previamente desconhecido. Dada a fauna associada, a idade da formação é definida como Mioceno Temprano (Colhuehuapense). No presente estudo, conclui−se, através de uma análise filogenética contendo 39 espécies viventes e fóss...
The evolution of squamates in South America is the result of the complex geological and paleoclimati...
Squamates form a substantial part of the present-day South American herpetofauna, and their fossils ...
Gekkota (geckos and pygopodids) is a clade thought to have originated in the Early Cretaceous and th...
Although squamates are commonly found in Cenozoic South American deposits, most findings correspond ...
International audienceAlthough squamates are commonly found in Cenozoic South American deposits, mos...
A fragmentary fossil lizard from Uquía Formation (Late Pliocene), Jujuy Province, Argentina, is desc...
The squamates constitute a significant part of the present-day South American herpetofauna, being th...
Los escamosos conforman un exitoso grupo de reptiles que incluye más de 9.600 especies actuales. Su ...
The Uquia Formation (middle Pliocene-lower Pleistocene) crops out in Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy Pr...
With 36 species and at least nine potentially independent lineages (not formally described yet) occu...
<div><p>Squamates first appeared in South America during the Early Cretaceous. The oldest confirmed ...
The Pliocene record of iguanian pleurodont lizards of South America is scarce, although it is plenti...
En este trabajo redescribimos el holotipo y únicos restos conocidos del lagarto teido Callopistes bi...
The record of Gondwanan Mesozoic lizards is very poor. Among the few species described for this regi...
Squamata are known from South America since the Cretaceous, but their fossil record has an occurrenc...
The evolution of squamates in South America is the result of the complex geological and paleoclimati...
Squamates form a substantial part of the present-day South American herpetofauna, and their fossils ...
Gekkota (geckos and pygopodids) is a clade thought to have originated in the Early Cretaceous and th...
Although squamates are commonly found in Cenozoic South American deposits, most findings correspond ...
International audienceAlthough squamates are commonly found in Cenozoic South American deposits, mos...
A fragmentary fossil lizard from Uquía Formation (Late Pliocene), Jujuy Province, Argentina, is desc...
The squamates constitute a significant part of the present-day South American herpetofauna, being th...
Los escamosos conforman un exitoso grupo de reptiles que incluye más de 9.600 especies actuales. Su ...
The Uquia Formation (middle Pliocene-lower Pleistocene) crops out in Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy Pr...
With 36 species and at least nine potentially independent lineages (not formally described yet) occu...
<div><p>Squamates first appeared in South America during the Early Cretaceous. The oldest confirmed ...
The Pliocene record of iguanian pleurodont lizards of South America is scarce, although it is plenti...
En este trabajo redescribimos el holotipo y únicos restos conocidos del lagarto teido Callopistes bi...
The record of Gondwanan Mesozoic lizards is very poor. Among the few species described for this regi...
Squamata are known from South America since the Cretaceous, but their fossil record has an occurrenc...
The evolution of squamates in South America is the result of the complex geological and paleoclimati...
Squamates form a substantial part of the present-day South American herpetofauna, and their fossils ...
Gekkota (geckos and pygopodids) is a clade thought to have originated in the Early Cretaceous and th...