As Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) apresentam por definição o horizonte A antrópico, de cor escura, com presença de artefatos líticos e/ou cerâmicos oriundos do processo de ocupação humana na Amazônia. As áreas que ocorrem se diferenciam dos solos adjacentes por exibirem e manterem condições químicas do solo adequadas ao crescimento de plantas, mesmo após vários anos de cultivo. Essa pesquisa testa a hipótese que de que as TPI exibem condições físicas do solo adequadas ao crescimento de plantas e, mais adequadas que às encontradas nos solos adjacentes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades físicas dos horizontes antrópicos de duas TPI relacionando-as com as propriedades estruturais do solo que podem limitar o crescimento de plant...
Abstract In order to evaluate soil quality and sustainability in Amazon Archaeological Dark Earth en...
This study brings a pedogeochemical characterization of ADE found in the naturally fertile alluvial ...
As Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) são solos que exibem coloração escura, horizonte A antrópico com pre...
As Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) apresentam por definição o horizonte A antrópico, de cor escura, com...
Throughout the Amazon region, dark-colored soils with increased fertility are identified and referre...
Os solos predominantes na região Amazônica pertencem à classe dos Latossolos e Argissolos, caracteri...
Localização e tamanho das TPI. Evidências do uso do fogo nas práticas agrícolas. As Terras Mulatas. ...
Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region t...
Archeological dark earth are soils of higher fertility than majority of typical soils from the Amazo...
The Archaeological Dark Earth (ADE) soils are characterized by its high fertility, dark color, and p...
The anthropogenic soil called ‘Terra Preta de Indio’ - Amazonian Dark Earth (‘TPI&...
ABSTRACT Soils with an A horizon formed by human activity, an anthropogenic A horizon, are found in ...
ABSTRACT Soils with an A horizon formed by human activity, an anthropogenic A horizon, are found in ...
ABSTRACT: Soils with an A horizon formed by human activity, an anthropogenic A horizon, are found in...
A greenhouse experiment was carried out at the National Institute for Amazon Research, Manaus, AM, B...
Abstract In order to evaluate soil quality and sustainability in Amazon Archaeological Dark Earth en...
This study brings a pedogeochemical characterization of ADE found in the naturally fertile alluvial ...
As Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) são solos que exibem coloração escura, horizonte A antrópico com pre...
As Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) apresentam por definição o horizonte A antrópico, de cor escura, com...
Throughout the Amazon region, dark-colored soils with increased fertility are identified and referre...
Os solos predominantes na região Amazônica pertencem à classe dos Latossolos e Argissolos, caracteri...
Localização e tamanho das TPI. Evidências do uso do fogo nas práticas agrícolas. As Terras Mulatas. ...
Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region t...
Archeological dark earth are soils of higher fertility than majority of typical soils from the Amazo...
The Archaeological Dark Earth (ADE) soils are characterized by its high fertility, dark color, and p...
The anthropogenic soil called ‘Terra Preta de Indio’ - Amazonian Dark Earth (‘TPI&...
ABSTRACT Soils with an A horizon formed by human activity, an anthropogenic A horizon, are found in ...
ABSTRACT Soils with an A horizon formed by human activity, an anthropogenic A horizon, are found in ...
ABSTRACT: Soils with an A horizon formed by human activity, an anthropogenic A horizon, are found in...
A greenhouse experiment was carried out at the National Institute for Amazon Research, Manaus, AM, B...
Abstract In order to evaluate soil quality and sustainability in Amazon Archaeological Dark Earth en...
This study brings a pedogeochemical characterization of ADE found in the naturally fertile alluvial ...
As Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) são solos que exibem coloração escura, horizonte A antrópico com pre...