Estudamos o comportamento da familia aresta-triangulo de grafos aleatorios exponenciais (ERG) usando metodos de Monte Carlo baseados em Cadeias de Markov. Comparamos contagens de subgrafos e correlacoes entre arestas de ergs as de Grafos Aleatorios Binomiais (BRG, tambem chamados de Erdos-Renyi). E um resultado teorico conhecido que para algumas parametrizacoes os limites das contagens de subgrafos de ERGs convergem para os de BRGs, assintoticamente no numero de vertices [BBS11, CD11]. Observamos esse fenomeno em grafos com poucos (20) vertices em nossas simulacoes.We study the behavior of the edge-triangle family of exponential random graphs (ERG) using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. We compare ERG subgraph counts and edge correlatio...
Abstract. We study the asymptotics for sparse exponential random graph models where the parameters m...
We say that a graph is connected if there is a path edges between any pair of vertices. Random grap...
Graphs are the primary mathematical representation for networks, with nodes or vertices correspondin...
Estudamos o comportamento da familia aresta-triangulo de grafos aleatorios exponenciais (ERG) usando...
Dizemos que um grafo e conectado se existe um caminho de arestas entre quaisquer par de vértices. O ...
The most promising class of statistical models for expressing structural properties of social networ...
Abstract. We introduce a new method for estimating the parameters of exponential random graph models...
We consider the edge-triangle model, a two-parameter family of exponential random graphs in which de...
In this thesis we study two probabilistic models defined on graphs: the Stochastic Block model and t...
Neste trabalho, aplicamos o algoritmo Breadth-First Search para encontrar o tamanho de uma component...
The unconstrained exponential family of random graphs assumes no prior knowledge of the graph before...
Exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs) represent the processes that govern the formation of...
Exponential family models for random graphs (ERGs, also known as p∗ models) are an increasingly popu...
There has been an explosion of interest in statistical models for analyzing network data, and consid...
Exponential family models for random graphs (ERGs, also known as p ∗ models) are an increasingly pop...
Abstract. We study the asymptotics for sparse exponential random graph models where the parameters m...
We say that a graph is connected if there is a path edges between any pair of vertices. Random grap...
Graphs are the primary mathematical representation for networks, with nodes or vertices correspondin...
Estudamos o comportamento da familia aresta-triangulo de grafos aleatorios exponenciais (ERG) usando...
Dizemos que um grafo e conectado se existe um caminho de arestas entre quaisquer par de vértices. O ...
The most promising class of statistical models for expressing structural properties of social networ...
Abstract. We introduce a new method for estimating the parameters of exponential random graph models...
We consider the edge-triangle model, a two-parameter family of exponential random graphs in which de...
In this thesis we study two probabilistic models defined on graphs: the Stochastic Block model and t...
Neste trabalho, aplicamos o algoritmo Breadth-First Search para encontrar o tamanho de uma component...
The unconstrained exponential family of random graphs assumes no prior knowledge of the graph before...
Exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs) represent the processes that govern the formation of...
Exponential family models for random graphs (ERGs, also known as p∗ models) are an increasingly popu...
There has been an explosion of interest in statistical models for analyzing network data, and consid...
Exponential family models for random graphs (ERGs, also known as p ∗ models) are an increasingly pop...
Abstract. We study the asymptotics for sparse exponential random graph models where the parameters m...
We say that a graph is connected if there is a path edges between any pair of vertices. Random grap...
Graphs are the primary mathematical representation for networks, with nodes or vertices correspondin...