Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESThe reduced infiltration of water into the soil in areas of intensive agriculture is one of the main problems in hydrology. It decreases the water content in the soil profile and causes an increase in surface runoff which is directly associated with soil erosion. The technique of vertical mulching (VM) can be applied in conjunction with a no tillage system to improve water infiltration. To date few studies looked at the efficacy of this technique. Hence, the aim of the study here is to evaluate the effect of VM in a no tillage system on the reduction of runoff, the increase in infiltration, and the distribution of water in the soil. Experiments were carried out on a sa...
The formation of seal and surface crust in the soil has direct consequences for the development of t...
This work concerns infiltration hydrological process simulation in rainfall-runoff models, emphasizi...
Water infiltration and soil resistance to penetration are fundamental parameters for efficient soil ...
With the increase of the area of large urban centers and the reduction of vegetation cover over the ...
A infiltração de água é uma propriedade que reflete as condições físicas do solo, principalmente qua...
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil, Hidráulica, Recursos Hídricos e Ambiente, apresentada à Fa...
A paralisação do crescimento da pastagem nativa no período do inverno na região Sul do Brasil tem in...
The soil infiltration is the process of entry of water by surface water that infiltrates is responsi...
O preparo do solo, o qual influencia o manejo dos resíduos culturais e a rugosidade superficial, ass...
Soil surface cover with crop residue modifies surface flow characteristics, generated by excess rain...
The no-till reduces erosion compared to conventional tillage; however, nutrient losses in runoff are...
Realizou-se no campo, num Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro, um experimento, para estudar a taxa de infiltra...
The physical conditions of the soil surface play an important role in controlling the soil water ero...
A principal forma de degradação das terras agrícolas é a erosão hídrica do solo, que é causada pela ...
A avaliação da capacidade de raízes de plantas em extrair água do solo é de grande importância na mo...
The formation of seal and surface crust in the soil has direct consequences for the development of t...
This work concerns infiltration hydrological process simulation in rainfall-runoff models, emphasizi...
Water infiltration and soil resistance to penetration are fundamental parameters for efficient soil ...
With the increase of the area of large urban centers and the reduction of vegetation cover over the ...
A infiltração de água é uma propriedade que reflete as condições físicas do solo, principalmente qua...
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil, Hidráulica, Recursos Hídricos e Ambiente, apresentada à Fa...
A paralisação do crescimento da pastagem nativa no período do inverno na região Sul do Brasil tem in...
The soil infiltration is the process of entry of water by surface water that infiltrates is responsi...
O preparo do solo, o qual influencia o manejo dos resíduos culturais e a rugosidade superficial, ass...
Soil surface cover with crop residue modifies surface flow characteristics, generated by excess rain...
The no-till reduces erosion compared to conventional tillage; however, nutrient losses in runoff are...
Realizou-se no campo, num Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro, um experimento, para estudar a taxa de infiltra...
The physical conditions of the soil surface play an important role in controlling the soil water ero...
A principal forma de degradação das terras agrícolas é a erosão hídrica do solo, que é causada pela ...
A avaliação da capacidade de raízes de plantas em extrair água do solo é de grande importância na mo...
The formation of seal and surface crust in the soil has direct consequences for the development of t...
This work concerns infiltration hydrological process simulation in rainfall-runoff models, emphasizi...
Water infiltration and soil resistance to penetration are fundamental parameters for efficient soil ...