We present a second-order accurate algorithm for solving the free-space Poisson's equation on a locally-refined nested grid hierarchy in three dimensions. Our approach is based on linear superposition of local convolutions of localized charge distributions, with the nonlocal coupling represented on coarser grids. There presentation of the nonlocal coupling on the local solutions is based on Anderson's Method of Local Corrections and does not require iteration between different resolutions. A distributed-memory parallel implementation of this method is observed to have a computational cost per grid point less than three times that of a standard FFT-based method on a uniform grid of the same resolution, and scales well up to 1024 proc...
Problems with some sort of divergence constraint are found in many disciplines: computational fluid ...
The authors present a numerical method for solving Poisson`s equation, with variable coefficients an...
We consider problems governed by a linear elliptic equation with varying coefficients across interna...
We present a second-order accurate algorithm for solving the free-space Poisson’s equation on a loca...
We present a second-order accurate algorithm for solving thefree-space Poisson's equation on a local...
For a Poisson problem with a solution having large gradients in (nearly) circular subregions a Local...
We describe an implementation to solve Poisson’s equation for an isolated system on a unigrid mesh u...
An efficient solver for the three dimensional free-space Poisson equation is presented. The underlyi...
Microprocessor designs are now changing to reflect the ending of Dennard Scaling. This leads to a re...
In this paper, we present a fourth-order algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in two and three dime...
A three-dimensional (3D) Poisson solver with longitudinal periodic and transverse open boundary cond...
AbstractFor some applications, numerical solutions of Poisson's equation are needed with a source te...
n. Itroduction The architectural differences between a serial and a parallel machine raise a number ...
A parallel algorithm for solving the Poisson equation with either Dirichlet or Neumann conditions is...
We present a new multigrid scheme for solving the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary condition...
Problems with some sort of divergence constraint are found in many disciplines: computational fluid ...
The authors present a numerical method for solving Poisson`s equation, with variable coefficients an...
We consider problems governed by a linear elliptic equation with varying coefficients across interna...
We present a second-order accurate algorithm for solving the free-space Poisson’s equation on a loca...
We present a second-order accurate algorithm for solving thefree-space Poisson's equation on a local...
For a Poisson problem with a solution having large gradients in (nearly) circular subregions a Local...
We describe an implementation to solve Poisson’s equation for an isolated system on a unigrid mesh u...
An efficient solver for the three dimensional free-space Poisson equation is presented. The underlyi...
Microprocessor designs are now changing to reflect the ending of Dennard Scaling. This leads to a re...
In this paper, we present a fourth-order algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in two and three dime...
A three-dimensional (3D) Poisson solver with longitudinal periodic and transverse open boundary cond...
AbstractFor some applications, numerical solutions of Poisson's equation are needed with a source te...
n. Itroduction The architectural differences between a serial and a parallel machine raise a number ...
A parallel algorithm for solving the Poisson equation with either Dirichlet or Neumann conditions is...
We present a new multigrid scheme for solving the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary condition...
Problems with some sort of divergence constraint are found in many disciplines: computational fluid ...
The authors present a numerical method for solving Poisson`s equation, with variable coefficients an...
We consider problems governed by a linear elliptic equation with varying coefficients across interna...