For individuals, success and persistence in schooling has a huge economic impact on their lives. Educational attainment affects the kinds of employment job seekers can find, the amount of money they earn, the housing conditions and lifestyle they can afford, the level of savings they can accumulate for retirement, their risk for incarceration, and the likelihood that they will live in poverty or need to rely on transfer payment for basic needs. Perhaps less obviously, the state also has a strong stake in the educational attainment of its residents. One element of the state's economic stake is its financial balance, since the demand for incarceration and poverty-related state services declines with higher levels of educational attainment,...
These are the third in a series of reports exploring the impact of California's fiscal crisis on the...
Undocumented students, lacking United States residency or citizenship, select colleges annually. The...
The 1990s were a period of record immigration to California and the United States, with both legal a...
Explores the disparities in levels of educational progress among different immigrant population grou...
Outlines the need to improve the K-12 and higher education systems to close the projected skills gap...
California's success in integrating immigrant youth is critical, not just to the state but the natio...
The world has undergone remarkable changes over a relatively short time period. Not all of the chang...
Part of a Oeries_intended_to highlight the implications for educational_planning_of,the changing dem...
Analyzes trends in the state's supply and demand of college-educated workers, the projected shortfal...
No state has felt the impact of the new immigration more than California, and no institution more th...
Estimates the state's shortage in highly educated workers in 2025 and outlines ways to raise college...
Volume 125, Issue 53
UnrestrictedThe world has undergone remarkable changes over a relatively short time period. Not all ...
S u m m a r y California is facing a serious shortfall in its supply of college-educated workers. Pr...
No state has felt the impact of the new immigration more than California, and no institution more th...
These are the third in a series of reports exploring the impact of California's fiscal crisis on the...
Undocumented students, lacking United States residency or citizenship, select colleges annually. The...
The 1990s were a period of record immigration to California and the United States, with both legal a...
Explores the disparities in levels of educational progress among different immigrant population grou...
Outlines the need to improve the K-12 and higher education systems to close the projected skills gap...
California's success in integrating immigrant youth is critical, not just to the state but the natio...
The world has undergone remarkable changes over a relatively short time period. Not all of the chang...
Part of a Oeries_intended_to highlight the implications for educational_planning_of,the changing dem...
Analyzes trends in the state's supply and demand of college-educated workers, the projected shortfal...
No state has felt the impact of the new immigration more than California, and no institution more th...
Estimates the state's shortage in highly educated workers in 2025 and outlines ways to raise college...
Volume 125, Issue 53
UnrestrictedThe world has undergone remarkable changes over a relatively short time period. Not all ...
S u m m a r y California is facing a serious shortfall in its supply of college-educated workers. Pr...
No state has felt the impact of the new immigration more than California, and no institution more th...
These are the third in a series of reports exploring the impact of California's fiscal crisis on the...
Undocumented students, lacking United States residency or citizenship, select colleges annually. The...
The 1990s were a period of record immigration to California and the United States, with both legal a...