Formulation and specification of activity analysis models require better understanding of time allocation behavior that goes beyond the more recent within household analyses to understand selfish and altruistic behavior and how this relates to travel behavior. Using data from 1471 persons in a recent two-day time use/activity diary and latent class cluster analysis we identify eleven distinct daily behaviors that span from the intensely self-serving to intensely altruistic. Predicted cluster membership is then used to study within household interactions. The analysis shows strong correlation exists between social role and patterns of altruistic behavior. However, a substantial amount of heterogeneity is also found within social roles. In ad...
In naturally occurring environments, altruism is a widespread phenomenon. People often decide to sac...
This paper examines the discretionary time-use of children, including the social context of children...
This study examiens the hypothesis that daily travel-activity behaviour is influenced by the househo...
Formulation and specification of activity analysis models require better understanding of time alloc...
In this paper, using data from 366 households we study human interaction within and outside the hous...
Most economic models assume that individuals act out their preferences based on self-interest alone....
Abstract Most economic models assume that individuals act out their preferences based on self-intere...
Introduction. Utopian or destructive society? Is it better to be an egoist or an altruist in a group...
A social network is a representation of an individual’s social connectedness. Fields as distinct as ...
This paper presents a data collection effort designed to incorporate the social dimension in social ...
In order to examine time allocation patterns within household-level trip-chaining, simultaneous doub...
Over the past decade, activity scheduling processes have gained increasing attention in the field of...
Understanding the motivations behind altruism may be difficult to do because it contradicts aspects ...
The activity-based travel demand model recognizes that travel is derived from the demand for activit...
In this chapter, prosocial behavior will be analyzed from a social psychology point of view, examini...
In naturally occurring environments, altruism is a widespread phenomenon. People often decide to sac...
This paper examines the discretionary time-use of children, including the social context of children...
This study examiens the hypothesis that daily travel-activity behaviour is influenced by the househo...
Formulation and specification of activity analysis models require better understanding of time alloc...
In this paper, using data from 366 households we study human interaction within and outside the hous...
Most economic models assume that individuals act out their preferences based on self-interest alone....
Abstract Most economic models assume that individuals act out their preferences based on self-intere...
Introduction. Utopian or destructive society? Is it better to be an egoist or an altruist in a group...
A social network is a representation of an individual’s social connectedness. Fields as distinct as ...
This paper presents a data collection effort designed to incorporate the social dimension in social ...
In order to examine time allocation patterns within household-level trip-chaining, simultaneous doub...
Over the past decade, activity scheduling processes have gained increasing attention in the field of...
Understanding the motivations behind altruism may be difficult to do because it contradicts aspects ...
The activity-based travel demand model recognizes that travel is derived from the demand for activit...
In this chapter, prosocial behavior will be analyzed from a social psychology point of view, examini...
In naturally occurring environments, altruism is a widespread phenomenon. People often decide to sac...
This paper examines the discretionary time-use of children, including the social context of children...
This study examiens the hypothesis that daily travel-activity behaviour is influenced by the househo...