Integrated circuits consists of building blocks called transistors. A transistor is a switch that enables logic operations to perform computing. Since the invention of the first integrated circuit, transistors have been scaled down in their dimensions to increase the density of transistors per unit area to enable more functionality. Transistor scaling is continued by introducing novel device structures and materials at each technology node. Due to the challenges such as short channel effects and the power consumption issues, novel materials are investigated as a candidate for next generation transistors. In this thesis, 2-dimensinal layered semiconductors, namely transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are studied to assess their electroni...
A rise in short channel effects (surface scattering, drain lowering, carrier injection, etc.) in a m...
wo-dimensional (2-D) material sys-tems have aroused immense interest in research due to the possibil...
ontinued scaling of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transis-tors (MOSFETs) has enabled lower ...
The discovery of graphene in 2004 has sparked widespread interest into inorganic 2-dimensional (2D) ...
Rapid advancements in information technology push the explosive growth in data volume, requiring gre...
Device architecture and materials innovations have enabled transistor scaling for the last several d...
Recently two dimensional (2D) materials have trigged intensive research interest duo to their unique...
We show that multilayered transition-metal dichalcogenides such as multilayer MoS2 present a compell...
The discovery of ultra-thin, van der Waals bound semi-metal (graphene), transition metal dichalcogen...
Two-dimensional (2D) crystals have attracted much attention in recent years due to their unique phys...
Two-dimensional transitional metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) field-effect transistors (FETs) are propose...
In the past half-century, the digital revolution completely changed the world we live in and the way...
2D materials have demonstrated enormous potential for a great number of applications such as sensors...
Advancements in technology are driven by downscaling the channel length and the thickness of semicon...
The success of carbon nanotubes and graphene drives people to continuously search for novel low dime...
A rise in short channel effects (surface scattering, drain lowering, carrier injection, etc.) in a m...
wo-dimensional (2-D) material sys-tems have aroused immense interest in research due to the possibil...
ontinued scaling of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transis-tors (MOSFETs) has enabled lower ...
The discovery of graphene in 2004 has sparked widespread interest into inorganic 2-dimensional (2D) ...
Rapid advancements in information technology push the explosive growth in data volume, requiring gre...
Device architecture and materials innovations have enabled transistor scaling for the last several d...
Recently two dimensional (2D) materials have trigged intensive research interest duo to their unique...
We show that multilayered transition-metal dichalcogenides such as multilayer MoS2 present a compell...
The discovery of ultra-thin, van der Waals bound semi-metal (graphene), transition metal dichalcogen...
Two-dimensional (2D) crystals have attracted much attention in recent years due to their unique phys...
Two-dimensional transitional metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) field-effect transistors (FETs) are propose...
In the past half-century, the digital revolution completely changed the world we live in and the way...
2D materials have demonstrated enormous potential for a great number of applications such as sensors...
Advancements in technology are driven by downscaling the channel length and the thickness of semicon...
The success of carbon nanotubes and graphene drives people to continuously search for novel low dime...
A rise in short channel effects (surface scattering, drain lowering, carrier injection, etc.) in a m...
wo-dimensional (2-D) material sys-tems have aroused immense interest in research due to the possibil...
ontinued scaling of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transis-tors (MOSFETs) has enabled lower ...