A fully functional quantum computer must contain at least two important components: a quantum memory for storing and manipulating quantum information and a quantum data bus to securely transfer information between quantum memories. Typically, a quantum memory is composed of a matter system, such as an atom or an electron spin, due to their prolonged quantum coherence. Alternatively, a quantum data bus is typically composed of some propagating degree of freedom, such as a photon, which can retain quantum information over long distances. Therefore, a quantum computer will likely be a hybrid quantum device, consisting of two or more disparate quantum systems. However, there must be a reliable and controllable quantum interface between the memo...
Hybrid spin-oscillator systems, formed by single spins coupled to mechanical oscillators, have attra...
Phonons are considered to be universal quantum transducers due to their ability to couple to a wide ...
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has garnered great interest over the past decade as its ...
Quantum devices for sensing and computing applications require coherent quantum systems, which can b...
Current proposals for the design of quantum computer architectures include combining different quant...
Exotic aspects of quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, can be exploited to solve computa...
This thesis describes a series of experiments on the control of the optical properties of the nitrog...
Though the motions of macroscopic objects must ultimately be governed by quantum mechanics, the dist...
As work progresses towards a useful quantum computer using various physical implementations, it seem...
The field of quantum science and technology has generated many ideas for new revolutionary devices t...
Isolated optically-active solid-state spins such as the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) center in diamond have...
We demonstrate coherent quantum control of a single spin driven by the motion of a mechanical resona...
Quantum networks can enable quantum communication and modular quantum computation. A powerful approa...
Mechanical systems can be influenced by a wide variety of small forces, ranging from gravitational t...
Abstract Quantum computing is an attractive and multidisciplinary field, which became a focus for ex...
Hybrid spin-oscillator systems, formed by single spins coupled to mechanical oscillators, have attra...
Phonons are considered to be universal quantum transducers due to their ability to couple to a wide ...
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has garnered great interest over the past decade as its ...
Quantum devices for sensing and computing applications require coherent quantum systems, which can b...
Current proposals for the design of quantum computer architectures include combining different quant...
Exotic aspects of quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, can be exploited to solve computa...
This thesis describes a series of experiments on the control of the optical properties of the nitrog...
Though the motions of macroscopic objects must ultimately be governed by quantum mechanics, the dist...
As work progresses towards a useful quantum computer using various physical implementations, it seem...
The field of quantum science and technology has generated many ideas for new revolutionary devices t...
Isolated optically-active solid-state spins such as the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) center in diamond have...
We demonstrate coherent quantum control of a single spin driven by the motion of a mechanical resona...
Quantum networks can enable quantum communication and modular quantum computation. A powerful approa...
Mechanical systems can be influenced by a wide variety of small forces, ranging from gravitational t...
Abstract Quantum computing is an attractive and multidisciplinary field, which became a focus for ex...
Hybrid spin-oscillator systems, formed by single spins coupled to mechanical oscillators, have attra...
Phonons are considered to be universal quantum transducers due to their ability to couple to a wide ...
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has garnered great interest over the past decade as its ...