Nectar guides can enhance pollinator efficiency and plant fitness by allowing pollinators to more rapidly find and remember the location of floral nectar. We tested if a radiating nectar guide around a nectary would enhance the ability of naïve bumble bee foragers to find nectar. Most experiments that test nectar guide efficacy, specifically radiating linear guides, have used guides positioned around the center of a radially symmetric flower, where nectaries are often found. However, the flower center may be intrinsically attractive. We therefore used an off-center guide and nectary and compared "conjunct" feeders with a nectar guide surrounding the nectary to "disjunct" feeders with a nectar guide separated from the nectary. We focused on ...
<div><p>Our understanding of how floral visitors integrate visual and olfactory cues when seeking fo...
Angiosperms have evolved to attract and/or deter specific pollinators. Flowers provide signals and c...
Flowers, the sole natural source of pollen and nectar for bees, present many similar features, in co...
Nectar guides can enhance pollinator efficiency and plant fitness by allowing pollinators to more ra...
Floral displays are under selection to both attract pollinators and deter antagonists. Here we show ...
The ability of invertebrates to perform nonelemental cognitive tasks is widely debated. Bees utilize...
Spatiotemporal variation in nectar distribution is a key factor affecting pollinator movements betwe...
Floral displays are often composed of areas of contrasting stimuli which flower visitors use as guid...
Pollen and nectar are the two most common floral rewards, and bees must collect both. Many plant spe...
Flowers exhibit great intra-specific variation in the rewards they offer. At any one time, a signifi...
I analyzed the effects of spatial location of nectar and associated flower color on choice behavior ...
Energy from food is essential for the survival of all animals. For decades, bumblebees have been use...
A fundamental question in biology is how animals efficiently locate and use diverse resources. Polli...
Our understanding of how floral visitors integrate visual and olfactory cues when seeking food, and ...
Foraging bumblebees leave chemical substances when visiting flowers and the detection of these “sce...
<div><p>Our understanding of how floral visitors integrate visual and olfactory cues when seeking fo...
Angiosperms have evolved to attract and/or deter specific pollinators. Flowers provide signals and c...
Flowers, the sole natural source of pollen and nectar for bees, present many similar features, in co...
Nectar guides can enhance pollinator efficiency and plant fitness by allowing pollinators to more ra...
Floral displays are under selection to both attract pollinators and deter antagonists. Here we show ...
The ability of invertebrates to perform nonelemental cognitive tasks is widely debated. Bees utilize...
Spatiotemporal variation in nectar distribution is a key factor affecting pollinator movements betwe...
Floral displays are often composed of areas of contrasting stimuli which flower visitors use as guid...
Pollen and nectar are the two most common floral rewards, and bees must collect both. Many plant spe...
Flowers exhibit great intra-specific variation in the rewards they offer. At any one time, a signifi...
I analyzed the effects of spatial location of nectar and associated flower color on choice behavior ...
Energy from food is essential for the survival of all animals. For decades, bumblebees have been use...
A fundamental question in biology is how animals efficiently locate and use diverse resources. Polli...
Our understanding of how floral visitors integrate visual and olfactory cues when seeking food, and ...
Foraging bumblebees leave chemical substances when visiting flowers and the detection of these “sce...
<div><p>Our understanding of how floral visitors integrate visual and olfactory cues when seeking fo...
Angiosperms have evolved to attract and/or deter specific pollinators. Flowers provide signals and c...
Flowers, the sole natural source of pollen and nectar for bees, present many similar features, in co...