It is widely accepted that, as semiconductor technology continues to evolve, interconnects have dominated over transistors in terms of both performance and power consumption in VLSI. Common belief is that interconnects at the on-chip global level or above in a large extent limit the system performance. While we certainly agree with that, we also believe that local interconnects manifest themselves as critical as the devices in datapath design, if not more so. We intend to show that the interconnect dominance is ubiquitous, and deserves a vertical treatment rather than focusing on a certain level only. In this dissertation, we address several open issues and problems faced by today's designers to reflect the above philosophy: 1) We propose a...
Continuing VLSI technology scaling raises several deep submicron (DSM) problems like relatively slow...
While technology scaling has enabled the design of complex information systems, uncertainty in the V...
While technology scaling has enabled the design of complex information systems, uncertainty in the V...
As technology scales, interconnect planning has been widely regarded as one of the most critical fac...
As semiconductor technology advances in the ultra deep sub -micron era, on-chip global interconnecti...
As technology scales, interconnect planning has been widely regarded as one of the most critical fac...
With the rapid increase in transmission speeds of communication systems, the demand for very high-sp...
The scaling of integrated circuit (IC) technologies to the nanometer regime has resulted in various ...
The scaling of integrated circuit (IC) technologies to the nanometer regime has resulted in various ...
This book covers layout design and layout migration methodologies for optimizing multi-net wire stru...
Interconnect analysis and optimization at high levels of abstraction is extremely attractive since i...
Interconnect analysis and optimization at high levels of abstraction is extremely attractive since i...
Abstract—This paper addresses the critical problem of global wire optimization for nanometer scale v...
With the rapid increase in transmission speeds of communication systems, the demand for very high-sp...
This paper presents an overview of recent advances on modeling and layout optimization of devices an...
Continuing VLSI technology scaling raises several deep submicron (DSM) problems like relatively slow...
While technology scaling has enabled the design of complex information systems, uncertainty in the V...
While technology scaling has enabled the design of complex information systems, uncertainty in the V...
As technology scales, interconnect planning has been widely regarded as one of the most critical fac...
As semiconductor technology advances in the ultra deep sub -micron era, on-chip global interconnecti...
As technology scales, interconnect planning has been widely regarded as one of the most critical fac...
With the rapid increase in transmission speeds of communication systems, the demand for very high-sp...
The scaling of integrated circuit (IC) technologies to the nanometer regime has resulted in various ...
The scaling of integrated circuit (IC) technologies to the nanometer regime has resulted in various ...
This book covers layout design and layout migration methodologies for optimizing multi-net wire stru...
Interconnect analysis and optimization at high levels of abstraction is extremely attractive since i...
Interconnect analysis and optimization at high levels of abstraction is extremely attractive since i...
Abstract—This paper addresses the critical problem of global wire optimization for nanometer scale v...
With the rapid increase in transmission speeds of communication systems, the demand for very high-sp...
This paper presents an overview of recent advances on modeling and layout optimization of devices an...
Continuing VLSI technology scaling raises several deep submicron (DSM) problems like relatively slow...
While technology scaling has enabled the design of complex information systems, uncertainty in the V...
While technology scaling has enabled the design of complex information systems, uncertainty in the V...