This article provides pioneering empirical evidence on the selection of acquisition targets by agroholdings in transition economies. We use panel data from Ukraine and Northwest Russia covering the years 2005-2016. Binomial logistic regression models were estimated to analyze the impacts of farm capital strength, financial performance and size on the farm’s likelihood of being acquired by an agroholding. Our results indicate that agroholding target selection considerations tend to change over time and have shifted from farm size to farm performance in both countries. However, agroholdings in both countries prefer to ‘grab lemons’, i.e. acquire poorly performing farms, but they differ with respect to target selection criteria. Agroholdings i...
Cooperative and corporate farms have retained an important role for agricultural production in many ...
This paper analyses the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of economic stabilis...
Risk and uncertainty over the results of agricultural production were always considered as impedimen...
Since the 1990s, in Russia, numerous large scale agro-holdings emerged, which link various farms, en...
Comparing different organizational, managerial and economic indicators of the farms in two selected ...
A significant post-Soviet agricultural trend is the rise of super-large scale agroholdings. The emer...
Situated in the global discussion on large-scale land acquisitions, this paper examines the poor per...
textabstractSituated in the global discussion on large-scale land acquisitions, this paper examines ...
International audienceAgro-holdings in Russia are large-scale vertically integrated farms within the...
The great diversity of farms with regard to production, ownership and/or corporate structure and sig...
This paper analyses the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of economic stabilis...
This study conveys the impact of corporate ownership on economic performance of agroholdings – integ...
While ‘land grabbing’ in Africa by China, and other populous, high-income Asian countries such as So...
Item does not contain fulltextLand grabbing’ in Africa by China, and other populous, high-income Asi...
This article analyses determinants of the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of...
Cooperative and corporate farms have retained an important role for agricultural production in many ...
This paper analyses the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of economic stabilis...
Risk and uncertainty over the results of agricultural production were always considered as impedimen...
Since the 1990s, in Russia, numerous large scale agro-holdings emerged, which link various farms, en...
Comparing different organizational, managerial and economic indicators of the farms in two selected ...
A significant post-Soviet agricultural trend is the rise of super-large scale agroholdings. The emer...
Situated in the global discussion on large-scale land acquisitions, this paper examines the poor per...
textabstractSituated in the global discussion on large-scale land acquisitions, this paper examines ...
International audienceAgro-holdings in Russia are large-scale vertically integrated farms within the...
The great diversity of farms with regard to production, ownership and/or corporate structure and sig...
This paper analyses the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of economic stabilis...
This study conveys the impact of corporate ownership on economic performance of agroholdings – integ...
While ‘land grabbing’ in Africa by China, and other populous, high-income Asian countries such as So...
Item does not contain fulltextLand grabbing’ in Africa by China, and other populous, high-income Asi...
This article analyses determinants of the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of...
Cooperative and corporate farms have retained an important role for agricultural production in many ...
This paper analyses the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of economic stabilis...
Risk and uncertainty over the results of agricultural production were always considered as impedimen...