Thesis deals with the ethical aspect of banking, concentrating on the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to analyze, how much is or can be the process of self-regulation by the means of ethical codes successful. Little bit perfunctorily it devotes to the banking regulation. Specifically it concerns with new Ethical code of CBA - Code of relationship of the bank and the client. The other aim of this thesis is to sketch the global banking problem - money laundering and related banking secrecy, to find out the moral failings and the way they could be solved
Master's Thesis focuses on current position of ethics in the Czech media. The main subject is the co...
Economic performance of a country is largely determined by banking and financial system. Banking and...
Pri pisanju diplomskega projekta smo se osredotočali na pomen in problematičnost etičnosti v bankah....
This essay concerns about the importance of ethical codes in banking in Czech Republic. First part d...
The diploma work addresses the application of ethical code into banking. It deals with business ethi...
The thesis deals with the issue of ethical codes and codes of good governance and their application ...
Thesis is concerned with ethical banking -- as an alternative to conventional banks. First part of t...
This bachelor thesis deals with issues of ethic codices and their comparison in banking sector. The ...
This thesis deals with the codes of ethics and their role in the financial organizations.The first p...
This Diploma thesis deals with the topic of ethical codes in the state administration of the Czech R...
Codes of banking ethics are increasingly common, but practice shows that they are not of major impor...
This thesis approaches the topic of ethics, both from a theoretical perspective and from the perspec...
The diploma thesis discusses the issues of ethics and codes of ethics in business. The theoretical p...
The article presents the rich and complex ethics related to business activity, including banking. Th...
Tato práce se zabývá vztahem etiky a bankovnictvím. Konkrétně ČNB. Pro srozumitelnost začíná práce v...
Master's Thesis focuses on current position of ethics in the Czech media. The main subject is the co...
Economic performance of a country is largely determined by banking and financial system. Banking and...
Pri pisanju diplomskega projekta smo se osredotočali na pomen in problematičnost etičnosti v bankah....
This essay concerns about the importance of ethical codes in banking in Czech Republic. First part d...
The diploma work addresses the application of ethical code into banking. It deals with business ethi...
The thesis deals with the issue of ethical codes and codes of good governance and their application ...
Thesis is concerned with ethical banking -- as an alternative to conventional banks. First part of t...
This bachelor thesis deals with issues of ethic codices and their comparison in banking sector. The ...
This thesis deals with the codes of ethics and their role in the financial organizations.The first p...
This Diploma thesis deals with the topic of ethical codes in the state administration of the Czech R...
Codes of banking ethics are increasingly common, but practice shows that they are not of major impor...
This thesis approaches the topic of ethics, both from a theoretical perspective and from the perspec...
The diploma thesis discusses the issues of ethics and codes of ethics in business. The theoretical p...
The article presents the rich and complex ethics related to business activity, including banking. Th...
Tato práce se zabývá vztahem etiky a bankovnictvím. Konkrétně ČNB. Pro srozumitelnost začíná práce v...
Master's Thesis focuses on current position of ethics in the Czech media. The main subject is the co...
Economic performance of a country is largely determined by banking and financial system. Banking and...
Pri pisanju diplomskega projekta smo se osredotočali na pomen in problematičnost etičnosti v bankah....