Production systems of the modern society have a close relationship with a wide range of fields. Under such a situation, various environmental problems are arising in various places and times. Therefore, for the solution of these environmental problems, instead of examining the environmental effects of any development action and resulting phenomena from one viewpoint, it is necessary to analyze the effects from a wide viewpoint. Considering this background, as one step in solving these environmental problems the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technique for environmental impact assessment will be examined in this research
This paper examines the effects of a progressive labor income tax scheme and a progressive consumpti...
While dredged soil is increasing, the processing problem isn't solved. So it is expected to use effe...
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 基盤研究(C)研究期間: 2001~2002課題番号: 13670797研究代表者: 中川 雅生(滋賀医科大学・医学部・講師)研究代表者: 藤野 英俊(滋賀医...
全国の支援センターを対象に実施した調査のうち回収された801カ所の中で自由記載欄に回答のあった179カ所を対象として, 看護職から見た支援センターの現状を明らかにすることを目的に, 自由記載の内容をK...
The protractor appliance is effective as an orthopedic device for early treatment during mixed denti...
Two 14C ages are obtained from drilled core samples in Kojima Lake area. One is 7920±250 y.B.P. from...
実践前に対象生徒全員の素朴概念の実態を調査し,実践後に概念形成の実態を調査いて比較検討した. また,調査前の実態から特定の生徒を抽出し,当該生徒の実践における変容を質的に追跡し,分析を加えた.単元を通...
The properties of cold drawn 6nylon yarn which was heated at various temperatures under the atmosphi...
Yakihata-Ringyo, a combination system of swidden-cultivation and afforestation, belongs to agrofores...
The heavy rain .which swept over the Nagasaki districts on 23 July 1982, killed 299 persons and dama...
Recent seismic activities in Tokai,Tonankai and Nankai regions,hightened the desire for more disaste...
Speleothem, which is mainly built of CaCO₃, is formed from water dripped from ceiling of limestone c...
The solubility of amorphous silica was determined in sodium chloride,potassium chloride, magnesium c...
This paper examines the effects of a progressive labor income tax scheme and a progressive consumpti...
While dredged soil is increasing, the processing problem isn't solved. So it is expected to use effe...
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 基盤研究(C)研究期間: 2001~2002課題番号: 13670797研究代表者: 中川 雅生(滋賀医科大学・医学部・講師)研究代表者: 藤野 英俊(滋賀医...
全国の支援センターを対象に実施した調査のうち回収された801カ所の中で自由記載欄に回答のあった179カ所を対象として, 看護職から見た支援センターの現状を明らかにすることを目的に, 自由記載の内容をK...
The protractor appliance is effective as an orthopedic device for early treatment during mixed denti...
Two 14C ages are obtained from drilled core samples in Kojima Lake area. One is 7920±250 y.B.P. from...
実践前に対象生徒全員の素朴概念の実態を調査し,実践後に概念形成の実態を調査いて比較検討した. また,調査前の実態から特定の生徒を抽出し,当該生徒の実践における変容を質的に追跡し,分析を加えた.単元を通...
The properties of cold drawn 6nylon yarn which was heated at various temperatures under the atmosphi...
Yakihata-Ringyo, a combination system of swidden-cultivation and afforestation, belongs to agrofores...
The heavy rain .which swept over the Nagasaki districts on 23 July 1982, killed 299 persons and dama...
Recent seismic activities in Tokai,Tonankai and Nankai regions,hightened the desire for more disaste...
Speleothem, which is mainly built of CaCO₃, is formed from water dripped from ceiling of limestone c...
The solubility of amorphous silica was determined in sodium chloride,potassium chloride, magnesium c...
This paper examines the effects of a progressive labor income tax scheme and a progressive consumpti...
While dredged soil is increasing, the processing problem isn't solved. So it is expected to use effe...