Interaktív problémamegoldó környezetben alkalmazott felfedező stratégiák hatékonysága és azok változása: logfájl-elemzések

  • Molnár, Gyöngyvér
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Publication date
January 2016
Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Neveléstudományi Intézet


Improvements in educational assessment technology have now made it possible to record and analyse not only students’ answers, but also the actions they take during testing. Through the contextual data in logfiles, we can reconstruct everything the studentswere thinking in completing each item on the test. Based on contextual data collected during the research on both the developmental level and development of the interactive problem-solving strategies used by students in Grades 6–8 in the study(n=2226), we analysed the effective and less effective mapping and problem-solving strategies they employedin solving interactive problems. In phase one, we constructed a mathematical model based on theoretically good strategies that led to the solvin...

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