The orphan Koktisala, his elder sisters Jawa and Khluwa, and Koktisala's bride Tsampiyungma. (1) The sisters plot to kill Koktisala. He tricks them into believing they have killed him and escapes. (2) Koktisala goes fishing. He repeatedly catches a rock, which he brings to his shelter. (3) He surprises the rock doing housework; she becomes his wife. (4) She teaches him to build a house and to get seed for planting from the crop of a bird. (5) (s88) The sisters decide to separate. They quarrel. The elder flies off. (6) The younger is killed by an ogre. She is revived by her sister. They live together. (7) (s121) Koktisala and Tsampiyungma decide to perform ancestor-worship, for which they must call the sisters. A cock delivers the invitation...