The 2019 NOU Fall Field Days were held in Imperial, Chase County, on September 13 - 15, with 59 registered. Field trips were led by Mark Brogie, Bill Flack, and T. J. Walker to the Wauneta cemetery, Frenchman WMA, Hayes Center WMA, Enders Reservoir WMA and SRA, Champion Mill Lake, Swinging Bridge Arboretum, Church Grove Recreation Area, Rock Creek Lake SRA and Fish Hatchery, and Swanson Reservoir SRA and WMA. Among the highlights were Osprey, which were seen at several locations, Sabine’s Gull, Ferruginous Hawk, Burrowing Owl, Red-naped Sapsucker, Merlin, and Prairie Falcon. Anita Breckbill, Doctor of Musical Arts, head of the Music Library at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, and NOU Librarian, was our speaker on Friday evening. The ti...