katedra: KHI; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 166Work covers a theme of the political trial of Ing. Bohumil Modrý et all based on analysis of surviving archival materials and available literature. The author tried to analyze the possible causes that had led to the arrest of Czechoslovak hockey representatives, as well as to chart the real sequence of events before and partly after the trial. The testimony of persecuted Augustin Bubník is very valuable. The author of work engaged in conversation with him the questions that haven`t investigated fully yet.Práce zpracovává téma procesu Ing. Bohumil Modrý a spol. na základě analýzy dochovaných archivních materiálů a dostupné literatury. Autorka se pokusila analyzovat možné příčiny, které vedly k zatčení ...