We investigate the atmospheric transport of arsenic (As) emitted from a copper smelter and its potential impact on the air quality of the city of Santiago (33.5ºS, 70.8ºW, 500 m.a.s.l), with 5x106 inhabitants. Santiago is located in a basin in the central part of Chile bounded by the high Andes (4500 m altitude on average) to the east, a lower parallel mountain range to the west (1500 m altitude on average), and two east-to-west mountain chains to the north and south of the basin respectively. Anthropogenic arsenic is emitted to the atmosphere in connection with the smelting of metals such as gold and copper, coal combustion and herbicide use. The main single As source in Central Chile is Caletones (34º05'S, 70º27'W, 2400 m.a.s.l.) located ...