Economic valuation of irrigation water is done through the use of production functions for the case of the olive grove. In order to do so the integration of an agronomic model (based on the production function) and an economic model linked to the profitability of the crop (the ratio of revenue and operating costs) in the area under study is proposed. The study case encompasses the Guadalbullon River Sub-basin area, belonging to the Guadalquivir River Hydrologic Demarcation (Southern Spain). Within the overall deficit of the Guadalquivir River basin, the Guadalbullon River poses a special problem as it is unregulated and there are important irrigated fields on its banks, most of them olive groves. Net marginal value of water obtained (having...
Agriculture is a key sector in rural economics. In some Southern Regions of Spain capable of develop...
España es el primer país productor mundial de aceituna de mesa. Extremadura y Andalucía son las dos ...
Deficit irrigation (DI) is an agricultural practice in which the volume of irrigation water applied ...
Economic valuation of irrigation water is done through the use of production functions for the case ...
Economic valuation of irrigation water is done through the use of production functions for the case ...
Abstract. Guadalbullon river sub-basin belongs to the Guadalquivir basin and is an example of intens...
[EN] This research analyses the subjective crop yield-water relationship and proposes a method to de...
Olive cultivation in Argentina has experienced an important expansion based on large-scale developme...
Olive cultivation in Argentina has experienced an important expansion based on large-scale developme...
La superficie de olivar regado en Andalucía representa el 13,5% de las 3.319.000 ha regadas en Españ...
La expansión del riego de olivar producida en pocos años lo ha convertido en el cultivo con mayor su...
This paper offers an exploratory microeconomic analysis of water use in the cultivation of almonds o...
Olive, vine and almond in rainfed farming systems are the most traditional crops in the large inland...
Debido a la escasez de recursos hídricos para el riego del olivar en Andalucía, y siendo este uno de...
This paper reviews the application of a scenario for the 2015 agricultural policy and markets for th...
Agriculture is a key sector in rural economics. In some Southern Regions of Spain capable of develop...
España es el primer país productor mundial de aceituna de mesa. Extremadura y Andalucía son las dos ...
Deficit irrigation (DI) is an agricultural practice in which the volume of irrigation water applied ...
Economic valuation of irrigation water is done through the use of production functions for the case ...
Economic valuation of irrigation water is done through the use of production functions for the case ...
Abstract. Guadalbullon river sub-basin belongs to the Guadalquivir basin and is an example of intens...
[EN] This research analyses the subjective crop yield-water relationship and proposes a method to de...
Olive cultivation in Argentina has experienced an important expansion based on large-scale developme...
Olive cultivation in Argentina has experienced an important expansion based on large-scale developme...
La superficie de olivar regado en Andalucía representa el 13,5% de las 3.319.000 ha regadas en Españ...
La expansión del riego de olivar producida en pocos años lo ha convertido en el cultivo con mayor su...
This paper offers an exploratory microeconomic analysis of water use in the cultivation of almonds o...
Olive, vine and almond in rainfed farming systems are the most traditional crops in the large inland...
Debido a la escasez de recursos hídricos para el riego del olivar en Andalucía, y siendo este uno de...
This paper reviews the application of a scenario for the 2015 agricultural policy and markets for th...
Agriculture is a key sector in rural economics. In some Southern Regions of Spain capable of develop...
España es el primer país productor mundial de aceituna de mesa. Extremadura y Andalucía son las dos ...
Deficit irrigation (DI) is an agricultural practice in which the volume of irrigation water applied ...