During the period of adolescence, the need arises for the individual construct an identity enabler of a productive interplay with the surrounding world. The process of identity construction embeds the development of a sense of unity and purpose that mediates the equilibrium between the society demands for the individual to fit and the individual’s psychological well-being. Throughout this process, the formal school education plays a critical role. The current study examines the role school education held in three adopted youths’ construction of narrative identity and search for psychological well-being. Life narratives have been utilized in three case studies with young adopted. The narratives were analysed in reference to the Narrative Mat...
Narrative is a system of understanding that we use to construct and express meaning in our daily liv...
Identity, as a common way of thinking about ourselves and experiencing ourselves, begins to be explo...
De acordo com a teoria psicossocial de Erikson, a tarefa mais importante da adolescência é a constru...
Abstract: During the period of adolescence, the need arises for the individual construct an identity...
Aim. Most empirical research has been based on understanding J. Marcia’s structural identity. Curren...
Nowadays identity is defined as rooted in emotion, emerging in relationship and developing as dynami...
Researchers and theoreticians consider identity to be a particularly salient feature in the lives o...
Narrative is a system of understanding that we use to construct and express meaning in our daily liv...
AbstractNarrative Development in Adolescence is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, a...
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Univers...
Schools can play an important role in adolescents’ identity development. To date, research on the ro...
Adolescence is a phase that is associated with important identity-relevant issues. Shaping a clear s...
Schools can play an important role in adolescents’ identity development. To date, research on the ro...
This study focused on the development of one’s identity during adolescence. According to Erik Erikso...
This work is part of a larger research project on the transition school-university/job (2005) in ord...
Narrative is a system of understanding that we use to construct and express meaning in our daily liv...
Identity, as a common way of thinking about ourselves and experiencing ourselves, begins to be explo...
De acordo com a teoria psicossocial de Erikson, a tarefa mais importante da adolescência é a constru...
Abstract: During the period of adolescence, the need arises for the individual construct an identity...
Aim. Most empirical research has been based on understanding J. Marcia’s structural identity. Curren...
Nowadays identity is defined as rooted in emotion, emerging in relationship and developing as dynami...
Researchers and theoreticians consider identity to be a particularly salient feature in the lives o...
Narrative is a system of understanding that we use to construct and express meaning in our daily liv...
AbstractNarrative Development in Adolescence is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, a...
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Univers...
Schools can play an important role in adolescents’ identity development. To date, research on the ro...
Adolescence is a phase that is associated with important identity-relevant issues. Shaping a clear s...
Schools can play an important role in adolescents’ identity development. To date, research on the ro...
This study focused on the development of one’s identity during adolescence. According to Erik Erikso...
This work is part of a larger research project on the transition school-university/job (2005) in ord...
Narrative is a system of understanding that we use to construct and express meaning in our daily liv...
Identity, as a common way of thinking about ourselves and experiencing ourselves, begins to be explo...
De acordo com a teoria psicossocial de Erikson, a tarefa mais importante da adolescência é a constru...