Photograph taken for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "DEATH RIDE ALONG in these two cars Wednesday. The car at left field to make a curve at Newcastle road and Meridian. The driver, father of two children and a companion died instantly. Two passengers were injured. Four persons were killed and three injured, one critically, in a series of pre-Christmas accidents Wednesday in and near Oklahoma City. Dead are: LEROY C. LEVERICH, 26, of 1413 Oelke, father of two small children. HOMER CLEVE SMITH, 42, of 1041 SW 24, employed with Leverich at the Lee Way-Sooner Freight lines. Also in Mercy hospital are Murray J. Smith, 31, of 2815 S Central, brother of the other victim, and Marion E. Prichard, 27, of 1836 S High. L...