OnlinePublWe find that technical indicators have substantial predictive power over the Chinese equity risk premium. Technical indicators complement macroeconomic variables in predicting the Chinese equity risk premium. The predictive power is more pronounced at a weekly frequency rather than a monthly frequency as suggested by the outof- sample tests. Furthermore, weekly-level technical indicators can predict the firm-level excess returns while monthly-level indicators cannot. The weekly-level indicators can also predict sorted portfolio excess return and risk factors. Overall, in comparison with the US stock market, the Chinese stock market seems to have higherfrequency price trends. The cross-sectional predictive power of the technical in...
The expected equity risk premium is a key input of many asset prcing models in nance. There exist a ...
The equity premium (market risk premium) is one of the most crucial a basis for consideration of ass...
This paper proposes a simple panel data test for stock return predictability that is flexible enough...
Can investors use technical analysis to generate positive risk-adjusted returns by observing histori...
We analyze return predictability for the Chinese stock market, including the aggregate mar-ket portf...
China’s stock market is the largest emerging market in the world. It is widely accepted that the Chi...
This thesis is concerned with the predictability of equity market performance in China while account...
This paper investigates the risk-return relations in Chinese equity markets. Based on a TARCH-M mode...
This thesis consists of three essays tied together with the common thread of technical analysis in a...
In this report, we investigate whether value premium exists and its predictive power of stock return...
Most people who invest in stock markets want to be rich, thus, many technical methods have been crea...
This article investigates how fundamental crash prediction models perform in mainland China’s fast-g...
Most people who invest in stock markets want to be rich, thus, many technical methods have been crea...
The equity premium (market risk premium) is one of the most crucial a basis for consideration of ass...
In this paper, we examine whether the relative price ratio of gold to platinum (GP ratio) can predic...
The expected equity risk premium is a key input of many asset prcing models in nance. There exist a ...
The equity premium (market risk premium) is one of the most crucial a basis for consideration of ass...
This paper proposes a simple panel data test for stock return predictability that is flexible enough...
Can investors use technical analysis to generate positive risk-adjusted returns by observing histori...
We analyze return predictability for the Chinese stock market, including the aggregate mar-ket portf...
China’s stock market is the largest emerging market in the world. It is widely accepted that the Chi...
This thesis is concerned with the predictability of equity market performance in China while account...
This paper investigates the risk-return relations in Chinese equity markets. Based on a TARCH-M mode...
This thesis consists of three essays tied together with the common thread of technical analysis in a...
In this report, we investigate whether value premium exists and its predictive power of stock return...
Most people who invest in stock markets want to be rich, thus, many technical methods have been crea...
This article investigates how fundamental crash prediction models perform in mainland China’s fast-g...
Most people who invest in stock markets want to be rich, thus, many technical methods have been crea...
The equity premium (market risk premium) is one of the most crucial a basis for consideration of ass...
In this paper, we examine whether the relative price ratio of gold to platinum (GP ratio) can predic...
The expected equity risk premium is a key input of many asset prcing models in nance. There exist a ...
The equity premium (market risk premium) is one of the most crucial a basis for consideration of ass...
This paper proposes a simple panel data test for stock return predictability that is flexible enough...