dan Kusumarasdyati S1- English Education, Language and Art Faculty, Surabaya State University Abstract Based on the standard competence of English subject for senior high school, speaking is one of the skills that should be mastered by the students. But, speaking English is often considered as something frighten faced by some Indonesia students. Some students are still afraid to make mistake and feel depressed in speaking activity. Those problems occur because the teachers do not know much about the speaking techniques and the students are rarely given chance to practice their speaking. To overcome those problems, the teacher in SMAN 3 Sidoarjo chooses one of cooperative learning techniques and it had been implemented well in her school, it...
ABSTRACT The Influence of Using Group Investigation Toward Students’ Speaking Ability at the Second...
This study was conducted at SMAN 2 Sigli to improve speaking skills in English through group work ac...
Language is all about communication and the people they communicate with most are their friends and ...
dan Kusumarasdyati S1- English Education, Language and Art Faculty, Surabaya State University Abstra...
AbstractThis study aims to describe how the Group Investigation technique affects the class dynamic ...
This research aimed to find out how group investigation improves the student’s speaking skill of the...
Key Words: Speaking, Group Investigation Method Speaking is very important for students it is a too...
This research is aimed to conduct research about using Group Investigation Method to improve student...
This research aims to find out students’speaking ability that was taught by using Group Investigati...
The objective of this research was to know how Group Investigation technique could improve students...
The GI or group investigation is one of the cooperative learning teaching method and little used in ...
Indonesian vocational high school students find difficult to speak and even understand English as th...
Okvitasari Nugraheni. S891208036. 2014. Group Investigation: Changing Students’ Speaking Skill of t...
The objective of this research is to make the teaching learning of English at class XI IPA 1 of SMA ...
Speaking is very important for students in learning English as foreign language. However,...
ABSTRACT The Influence of Using Group Investigation Toward Students’ Speaking Ability at the Second...
This study was conducted at SMAN 2 Sigli to improve speaking skills in English through group work ac...
Language is all about communication and the people they communicate with most are their friends and ...
dan Kusumarasdyati S1- English Education, Language and Art Faculty, Surabaya State University Abstra...
AbstractThis study aims to describe how the Group Investigation technique affects the class dynamic ...
This research aimed to find out how group investigation improves the student’s speaking skill of the...
Key Words: Speaking, Group Investigation Method Speaking is very important for students it is a too...
This research is aimed to conduct research about using Group Investigation Method to improve student...
This research aims to find out students’speaking ability that was taught by using Group Investigati...
The objective of this research was to know how Group Investigation technique could improve students...
The GI or group investigation is one of the cooperative learning teaching method and little used in ...
Indonesian vocational high school students find difficult to speak and even understand English as th...
Okvitasari Nugraheni. S891208036. 2014. Group Investigation: Changing Students’ Speaking Skill of t...
The objective of this research is to make the teaching learning of English at class XI IPA 1 of SMA ...
Speaking is very important for students in learning English as foreign language. However,...
ABSTRACT The Influence of Using Group Investigation Toward Students’ Speaking Ability at the Second...
This study was conducted at SMAN 2 Sigli to improve speaking skills in English through group work ac...
Language is all about communication and the people they communicate with most are their friends and ...