Eighth International Congress of Speleology College of Enviromental Sciences, Murray State University, July 15-18, 1981Introduction -- Opening Address: History of Cave Management Symposia in the United States of America -- An Overview / Robert R. Stitt, President, NSS -- Papers Presented at the First International Cave Management Symposium, July 15-17, 1981, Murray State University, KY, USA -- Cave Management for the Endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) and Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) / John T. Bray -- The Guacharo Cave / Dr. Eugenio de Bellard-Pietri -- Karst Cave Management Modelling in the Transvaal / Frances M. Gamble -- Problems of Management of Transvaal Caves / Frances M. Gamble -- The Resource Potential of Transvaal Caves / Fran...