Potencijalnu evapotranspiraciju proračunat ćemo po metodi Eagleman-a i Blaney-Criddle, te odrediti bilancu vode Palmer-ovom metodom za tri različita područja (Sinj, Dugopolje i Muć) koja su na gotovo istoj geografskoj širini i sličnom geomorfološkom području. Koristimo dostupne klimatološke podatke desetogodišnjeg niza (od 2001. do 2010. godine) praćene na dnevnoj bazi (oborine, temperatura, relativna vlažnost).Potential evapotranspiration will be calculated by Eagleman and Blaney-Criddle methods, and the water balance will be determined by Palmer method for three different areas (Sinj, Dugopolje and Muć) that are at almost the same latitude and similar geomorphological area. We use available climatological data of a ten year series (from ...
been studied. The determination of the levels of influence of the respective natural components depe...
The estimate methods of evapotranspiration was studied in several methods including field measuremen...
Precise estimation of evapotranspiration is an important step in the field of water resource managem...
Potencijalnu evapotranspiraciju proračunat ćemo po metodi Eagleman-a i Blaney-Criddle, te odrediti b...
Za zadano područje Donji Miholjac u razdoblju od 1990. do 2010. godine, koristeći službene podatke ...
Evapotranspiracija je složen hidrološki ciklus kojim se voda vraća natrag u atmosferu. Točnije evapo...
Diplomska naloga najprej predstavi definicije in razlage osnovnih pojmov pri procesu evapotranspirac...
U ovom radu predstavit će se vrijednosti srednjih mjesečnih komponenti vodne bilance koristeći dvije...
U diplomskom radu je izračunata bilanca oborinske vode u tlu na području Biđ-bosutskog polja primjen...
Water and food are basics of human life, unfortunately climate changes and water pollution have redu...
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a term used to describe the sum of evaporation and transpiration form lan...
The development of new reference evapotranspiration (ETo) methods hold significant promise for impro...
The estimation of evapotranspiration is very important because it represents the waterrequrements in...
WOS:000505778200004Evapotranspirasyon, hidrolojik çevrimde kritik bir rol oynar. Ancak havza ve tarl...
This paper deals with methods for determining evapotranspiration and its values achieved in the Czec...
been studied. The determination of the levels of influence of the respective natural components depe...
The estimate methods of evapotranspiration was studied in several methods including field measuremen...
Precise estimation of evapotranspiration is an important step in the field of water resource managem...
Potencijalnu evapotranspiraciju proračunat ćemo po metodi Eagleman-a i Blaney-Criddle, te odrediti b...
Za zadano područje Donji Miholjac u razdoblju od 1990. do 2010. godine, koristeći službene podatke ...
Evapotranspiracija je složen hidrološki ciklus kojim se voda vraća natrag u atmosferu. Točnije evapo...
Diplomska naloga najprej predstavi definicije in razlage osnovnih pojmov pri procesu evapotranspirac...
U ovom radu predstavit će se vrijednosti srednjih mjesečnih komponenti vodne bilance koristeći dvije...
U diplomskom radu je izračunata bilanca oborinske vode u tlu na području Biđ-bosutskog polja primjen...
Water and food are basics of human life, unfortunately climate changes and water pollution have redu...
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a term used to describe the sum of evaporation and transpiration form lan...
The development of new reference evapotranspiration (ETo) methods hold significant promise for impro...
The estimation of evapotranspiration is very important because it represents the waterrequrements in...
WOS:000505778200004Evapotranspirasyon, hidrolojik çevrimde kritik bir rol oynar. Ancak havza ve tarl...
This paper deals with methods for determining evapotranspiration and its values achieved in the Czec...
been studied. The determination of the levels of influence of the respective natural components depe...
The estimate methods of evapotranspiration was studied in several methods including field measuremen...
Precise estimation of evapotranspiration is an important step in the field of water resource managem...