Ph. D. ThesisThis research investigates the progressive collapse of stiffened panels in a ship’s structure under several damaged conditions. The main focus is on the behaviour of stiffened panels under three conditions: intact condition; damage represented by a circular, clear-cut-out hole; and damage represented by penetration simulations. The same damage conditions have also been applied to double bottom box girders. The results of these analyses are used to better understand the behaviour of damaged ship structures and develop a novel modification to a simplified method for predicting a ship’s ultimate strength. The non-linear, finite element method is used in order to simulate the damaged condition and to estimate ultimate strength beh...
Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13115Although substantial effort has been devoted in t...
The objective of the present study is to investigate the ship hull girder strength of grounding dama...
Across many industries damage events leading to a breach in structural integrity continue to occur. ...
This paper introduces a novel analytical method to predict the buckling collapse behaviour of a ship...
In 2012 106 vessels over 100 gross tonnes were lost. During the damage incidents many of these vesse...
It is vital to be able to rapidly assess damaged ship structures. This ensures the safety of personn...
The aims of the research work presented in this thesis are to assess the effects of weld-induced res...
This thesis investigates the progressive collapse behaviour of lightweight ship hull girders includi...
This paper describes a cyclic progressive collapse method for the prediction of ship hull girder cyc...
This thesis presents the development and validation of a progressive collapse methodology for compos...
One of the most important criteria in ship design is strength. When a ship is under external loads ...
This article presents a comparison of several methods to predict the primary longitudinal bending mo...
AbstractThis paper presents a comparison with experimental data of the resistance of stiffened panel...
Ship structures can experience damages although they are initially designed with high safety factors...
Ph. D. Thesis.Following ultimate limit state philosophy, the structural safety of ships and shiptype...
Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13115Although substantial effort has been devoted in t...
The objective of the present study is to investigate the ship hull girder strength of grounding dama...
Across many industries damage events leading to a breach in structural integrity continue to occur. ...
This paper introduces a novel analytical method to predict the buckling collapse behaviour of a ship...
In 2012 106 vessels over 100 gross tonnes were lost. During the damage incidents many of these vesse...
It is vital to be able to rapidly assess damaged ship structures. This ensures the safety of personn...
The aims of the research work presented in this thesis are to assess the effects of weld-induced res...
This thesis investigates the progressive collapse behaviour of lightweight ship hull girders includi...
This paper describes a cyclic progressive collapse method for the prediction of ship hull girder cyc...
This thesis presents the development and validation of a progressive collapse methodology for compos...
One of the most important criteria in ship design is strength. When a ship is under external loads ...
This article presents a comparison of several methods to predict the primary longitudinal bending mo...
AbstractThis paper presents a comparison with experimental data of the resistance of stiffened panel...
Ship structures can experience damages although they are initially designed with high safety factors...
Ph. D. Thesis.Following ultimate limit state philosophy, the structural safety of ships and shiptype...
Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13115Although substantial effort has been devoted in t...
The objective of the present study is to investigate the ship hull girder strength of grounding dama...
Across many industries damage events leading to a breach in structural integrity continue to occur. ...