Uticaj različitih načina pranja okrvavljene tkanine na ekspertizu tragova krvnih mrlja i rezultat DNK analize

  • Stojanović, Ivan A.
Publication date
November 2020
Универзитет у Нишу, Медицински факултет


In practice, there are often various attempts to remove traces of blood from items in order to conceal a crime. In the study, samples of bleached cotton fabric (360 samples in total) were used, which were then washed through one of six different washing cycles. After a period of time the samples were analyzed. The macroscopic appearance of the samples, the reaction of the samples to chemical tests for the presence of blood, quantity (concentration) of DNA, DNA degradation index and DNA profiles were analyzed. Machine washing at a temperature of 95 and 60oC using detergent can remove visible but not invisible traces of bloodstains up to 10 days old, while bloodstains aged 30 days cannot be removed in one washing cycle. Regardless ...

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