U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitivani su kinetika hidrodestilacije, prinos, sastav i frakcionisanje etarskog ulja ploda kleke (Juniperus communis L.) ubranog na Kopaoniku. OdreĎeni su prinos, sastav etarskog ulja i razvijena su tri fenomenolońka modela kinetike hidrodestilacije etarskog ulja iz ploda kleke. Modeli su zasnovani na pretpostavci da se etarsko ulje koje se nalazi na povrńini čestica biljke izdvaja brzom destilacijom i ta faza je nazvana "ispiranje". Preostalo etarsko ulje se izdvaja kroz dve faze, tj. dve difuzije. Tokom prvog difuzionog procesa, nazvanog "neometana difuzija", dolazi do prenosa etarskog ulja kroz rupture organa bez ometanja ka povrńini čestica biljnog materijala. Sa druge strane, tokom drugog difuzionog proc...
Isolation of essential oil from dried leaves, berries and wood of Juniperus communis L. ssp. nana we...
Eterično ulje borovice (Juniperi aetheroleum) dobiveno je iz plodova (bobica Juniperus communis L., ...
WOS: 000340998200018The study was carried out on content and constituents of essential oil distilled...
This paper deals with fractionation of the essential oil from juniper (Juniperus communis L.) berrie...
Eterična ulja smjese su hlapljivih, slabo viskoznih spojeva od kojih većina čine terpeni (monoterpen...
The present paper dealt with the influence of the common juniper berries pretreatment on the yield, ...
Etarska ulja su aromatične, isparljive složene smeše različitih jedinjenja, najviše ugljovodonika (m...
The present work deals with modeling the kinetics of essential oils extraction from plant materia...
This paper deals with fractionation of the essential oil from juniper (Juniperus communis L.) berrie...
For the treatment of the urinary system and kidney diseases, common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) ...
U ovom radu ispitivana su etarska ulja i postdestilacioni ostatak (PDO) Juniperus communis L. GC-MS ...
Juniperus communis L. (Cupressaceae) is a plant widely cultivated in the Northern hemisphere. Junipe...
U ovom radu optimiran je proces vodene destilacije za izolaciju eteričnog ulja iz sjemenki komorača....
The main objective of the present study was to model the kinetics of essential oil extraction from s...
The essential oil of juniper berries (Juniperus communis L., Cupressaceae) is traditionally used for...
Isolation of essential oil from dried leaves, berries and wood of Juniperus communis L. ssp. nana we...
Eterično ulje borovice (Juniperi aetheroleum) dobiveno je iz plodova (bobica Juniperus communis L., ...
WOS: 000340998200018The study was carried out on content and constituents of essential oil distilled...
This paper deals with fractionation of the essential oil from juniper (Juniperus communis L.) berrie...
Eterična ulja smjese su hlapljivih, slabo viskoznih spojeva od kojih većina čine terpeni (monoterpen...
The present paper dealt with the influence of the common juniper berries pretreatment on the yield, ...
Etarska ulja su aromatične, isparljive složene smeše različitih jedinjenja, najviše ugljovodonika (m...
The present work deals with modeling the kinetics of essential oils extraction from plant materia...
This paper deals with fractionation of the essential oil from juniper (Juniperus communis L.) berrie...
For the treatment of the urinary system and kidney diseases, common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) ...
U ovom radu ispitivana su etarska ulja i postdestilacioni ostatak (PDO) Juniperus communis L. GC-MS ...
Juniperus communis L. (Cupressaceae) is a plant widely cultivated in the Northern hemisphere. Junipe...
U ovom radu optimiran je proces vodene destilacije za izolaciju eteričnog ulja iz sjemenki komorača....
The main objective of the present study was to model the kinetics of essential oil extraction from s...
The essential oil of juniper berries (Juniperus communis L., Cupressaceae) is traditionally used for...
Isolation of essential oil from dried leaves, berries and wood of Juniperus communis L. ssp. nana we...
Eterično ulje borovice (Juniperi aetheroleum) dobiveno je iz plodova (bobica Juniperus communis L., ...
WOS: 000340998200018The study was carried out on content and constituents of essential oil distilled...