U radu prouĉavan je uticaj agroekoloških uslova lokaliteta i zemljišta u periodu od pet godina na morfološke i fiziološke osobine genotipskih kombinacija hibrida kukuruza i njihove interakcije. Predmet prouĉavanja bilo je hibridno seme F1 generacije ĉetiri single cross kombinacije. Ovim semenskim materijalom postavljeni su makroogledi na pet lokaliteta, na kojima je ispitivan uticaj vremenskih i zemljišnih uslova na morfološke i fiziološke osobine semena. Za laboratorijska ispitivanja uzimani su radni uzorci iz naturalnog semena iz koga je izdvojena jedna frakcija prema krupnoći. Posle odreĊivanja procentualnog udela semena na klipu na laboratorijskim ureĊajima za doradu semena, na dobijenim radnim uzorcima odreĊene su njegove morfoloiške i...
Present experimental data indicate that meteorological conditions, with regard to genotype and crop...
Utjecaj pedoloških svojstava korištenih tala i hibrida na rast i razvoj hibrida kukuruza prikazan je...
The Oltenia area is often affected by drought and heat that strongly influence plant development and...
Vremenske prilike tijekom vegetacije, a posebno sve učestalija pojava ekstrema poput suše, visokih ...
The exepression of morphological and physiological traits depends primarily on the hybrid combinati...
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of environmental conditions and genotype on the yield of ...
The analyses were performed with the hybrid seeds of four hybrid combinations derived at the Maize R...
Maize hybrid yield is to the greatest extent affected by agroecological conditions and growing techn...
Maize seed is characterised by a variety of shapes and sizes, which directly or indirectly affect ph...
Germination energy and seed germination of four maize combinations cultivated under different growin...
Kukuruz (Zea mays L.) je vrlo važna ratarska kultura u Republici Srbiji i svetu, sa tendencijom pov...
U proizvodnji hibridnog semena kukuruza najvažniji zadatak je proizvodnja kvalitetnog semenskog mat...
Traits of the F1 generation of maize hybrid seed were observed in four SC combinations produced in ...
In the present study, the grain yield of maize hybrids from different maturity groups at different c...
Production of the maize hybrid seed (Zea mays L) in the area of the town of Zaječar and its surround...
Present experimental data indicate that meteorological conditions, with regard to genotype and crop...
Utjecaj pedoloških svojstava korištenih tala i hibrida na rast i razvoj hibrida kukuruza prikazan je...
The Oltenia area is often affected by drought and heat that strongly influence plant development and...
Vremenske prilike tijekom vegetacije, a posebno sve učestalija pojava ekstrema poput suše, visokih ...
The exepression of morphological and physiological traits depends primarily on the hybrid combinati...
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of environmental conditions and genotype on the yield of ...
The analyses were performed with the hybrid seeds of four hybrid combinations derived at the Maize R...
Maize hybrid yield is to the greatest extent affected by agroecological conditions and growing techn...
Maize seed is characterised by a variety of shapes and sizes, which directly or indirectly affect ph...
Germination energy and seed germination of four maize combinations cultivated under different growin...
Kukuruz (Zea mays L.) je vrlo važna ratarska kultura u Republici Srbiji i svetu, sa tendencijom pov...
U proizvodnji hibridnog semena kukuruza najvažniji zadatak je proizvodnja kvalitetnog semenskog mat...
Traits of the F1 generation of maize hybrid seed were observed in four SC combinations produced in ...
In the present study, the grain yield of maize hybrids from different maturity groups at different c...
Production of the maize hybrid seed (Zea mays L) in the area of the town of Zaječar and its surround...
Present experimental data indicate that meteorological conditions, with regard to genotype and crop...
Utjecaj pedoloških svojstava korištenih tala i hibrida na rast i razvoj hibrida kukuruza prikazan je...
The Oltenia area is often affected by drought and heat that strongly influence plant development and...