Savremena istraživanja na eksperimentalnim modelima autoimunskih bolesti ukazuju da infekcija helmintom Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis), inhibira nastanak ili ublažava simptome autoimunskih poremećaja kao što su eksperimentalni autoimunski encefalomijelitis (EAE), eksperimentalni kolitis i dijabetes melitus tip 1. Tokom infekcije parazitom T. spiralis ekskretorno-sekretorni metabolički produkti mišićnih larvi (ES L1) su ključni za interakciju sa organizmom domaćina. Stoga je pretpostavka da su upravo ES L1 produkti odgovorni za modulaciju toka autoimunskih oboljenja. Međutim, tačna uloga ES L1 antigena ovog parazita u modulaciji bolesti, kao i mehanizmi te modulacije nisu još uvek u potpunosti razjašnjeni. Predmet ovog istraživanja bilo ...
Several studies indicate that certain helminths suppress the host immune responses. This suppression...
Zarażenia nicieniami hamują rozwój oraz łagodzą objawy chorób autoimmunizacyjnych, alergicznych i ne...
Melanom je vrlo agresivna forma tumora kože, koja je u većini sluĉajeva rezistentna na konvencionaln...
Helminth-derived products, either released into the circulation during the course of the infection o...
Helminth-derived products, either released into the circulation during the course of the infection o...
P>Trichinella spiralis is a helminth that provokes Th2 and anti-inflammatory type responses in an in...
P>Trichinella spiralis is a helminth that provokes Th2 and anti-inflammatory type responses in an in...
Tokom hronične faze infekcije helmint, Trichinella spiralis, komunicira sa imunskim sistemom domaćin...
Helminth infection has a potent systemic immunomodulatory effect on the host immune response, which ...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory–secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Several studies indicate that certain helminths suppress the host immune responses. This suppression...
Zarażenia nicieniami hamują rozwój oraz łagodzą objawy chorób autoimmunizacyjnych, alergicznych i ne...
Melanom je vrlo agresivna forma tumora kože, koja je u većini sluĉajeva rezistentna na konvencionaln...
Helminth-derived products, either released into the circulation during the course of the infection o...
Helminth-derived products, either released into the circulation during the course of the infection o...
P>Trichinella spiralis is a helminth that provokes Th2 and anti-inflammatory type responses in an in...
P>Trichinella spiralis is a helminth that provokes Th2 and anti-inflammatory type responses in an in...
Tokom hronične faze infekcije helmint, Trichinella spiralis, komunicira sa imunskim sistemom domaćin...
Helminth infection has a potent systemic immunomodulatory effect on the host immune response, which ...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory–secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Trichinella spiralis, as well as its muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1), given eithe...
Several studies indicate that certain helminths suppress the host immune responses. This suppression...
Zarażenia nicieniami hamują rozwój oraz łagodzą objawy chorób autoimmunizacyjnych, alergicznych i ne...
Melanom je vrlo agresivna forma tumora kože, koja je u većini sluĉajeva rezistentna na konvencionaln...