Aterosklerotske lezije su izražene na mestima sniženog stresa istezanja zida koronarnih krvnih sudova – račvama. Prisustvo značajnih suženja na glavnoj (MB) i bočnoj grani (SB) dodatno otežava uspešno interventno lečenje. Uz pomoć višeslojne CT koronarne angiografije (CTCA) se pouzdano može isključiti prisustvo koronarne bolesti. Istraživanja koja su analizirala “prave” bifurkacije nativnih koronarnih arterija pomoću CTCA nisu do sada predstavljena. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je pokazati da li se primenom CTCA može predvideti nastanak kompromitacije SB nakon “provizorne“ implantacije stenta u MB kod „pravih“ bifurkacija. Materijal i metode: Studija je prospektivna, opservaciona i izvedena na Službi kardiologije, Klinike za internu medicinu, Kl...
Background: Atherosclerosis generally occurs in the blood vessels with angulation or curvature, howe...
Background: the arterial tree branches in different parts of human body are sharing the histological...
IntroductionAtherosclerotic plaque analysis using computed tomography angiography (CTA) has been fou...
Coronary bifurcation remains a unique region of the coronary tree. The specific anatomy and blood fl...
AIMS: We evaluated the distribution and composition of atherosclerotic plaques at bifurcations with ...
This thesis sought to explore contemporary applications of invasive coronary angiography in the era ...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusViens no koronārās anatomijas variantiem, kas joprojām ir iza...
PURPOSE:To evaluate the diagnostic performance of left coronary bifurcation angles and plaque charac...
Koronarna arterijska bolest obuhvaća stabilnu anginu pektoris i akutni koronarni sindrom. Akutni kor...
Purpose: To investigate the relationship between left coronary bifurcation and dimensional changes a...
To evaluate the diagnostic performance of left coronary bifurcation angles and plaque characteristic...
textabstractAims: To investigate tissue characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arter...
Aims: To evaluate the distribution of atherosclerosis at bifurcations with computed tomography coron...
© 2017 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Purpose: Accurate determination of the bifurcation an...
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between intraluminal appearances of coronar...
Background: Atherosclerosis generally occurs in the blood vessels with angulation or curvature, howe...
Background: the arterial tree branches in different parts of human body are sharing the histological...
IntroductionAtherosclerotic plaque analysis using computed tomography angiography (CTA) has been fou...
Coronary bifurcation remains a unique region of the coronary tree. The specific anatomy and blood fl...
AIMS: We evaluated the distribution and composition of atherosclerotic plaques at bifurcations with ...
This thesis sought to explore contemporary applications of invasive coronary angiography in the era ...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusViens no koronārās anatomijas variantiem, kas joprojām ir iza...
PURPOSE:To evaluate the diagnostic performance of left coronary bifurcation angles and plaque charac...
Koronarna arterijska bolest obuhvaća stabilnu anginu pektoris i akutni koronarni sindrom. Akutni kor...
Purpose: To investigate the relationship between left coronary bifurcation and dimensional changes a...
To evaluate the diagnostic performance of left coronary bifurcation angles and plaque characteristic...
textabstractAims: To investigate tissue characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arter...
Aims: To evaluate the distribution of atherosclerosis at bifurcations with computed tomography coron...
© 2017 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Purpose: Accurate determination of the bifurcation an...
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between intraluminal appearances of coronar...
Background: Atherosclerosis generally occurs in the blood vessels with angulation or curvature, howe...
Background: the arterial tree branches in different parts of human body are sharing the histological...
IntroductionAtherosclerotic plaque analysis using computed tomography angiography (CTA) has been fou...