Ekonomsku krizu koja je prisutna u Španjolskoj od 2008. godine pratilo je povećanje nejednakosti i stope siromaštva. Cilj rada je odrediti najranjivije društvene skupine u smislu siromaštva u Španjolskoj. Empirijska analiza koristi informacije iz Ankete o uvjetima života iz 2015. godine, kako bi objasnila varijablu siromaštva koja je katalogizirana u tri kategorije (teško siromaštvo, umjereno siromaštvo i bez rizika od siromaštva) kod osoba starijih od 16 godina; eksplanatorne varijable su sociodemografske i radne, te predstavljaju različite skupine španjolskog stanovništva. Studija primjenjuje multinomični logistički regresijski model na posljednje podatke Ankete o životnim uvjetima, koji će nam omogućiti procjenu vjerojatnosti da je osoba...
In Spain, the issue of unemployment or precarious employment worsen with globalization, leading to a...
Las consecuencias económicas y sociales de una recesión no son homogéneas para toda la población. En...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the contribution of the high unemployment rate for th...
Ekonomsku krizu koja je prisutna u Španjolskoj od 2008. godine pratilo je povećanje nejednakosti i s...
The aims of this research are to assess the initial impact of the current economiccrisis on poverty ...
Artículo de revistaThis article describes the concept of population at risk of poverty or social exc...
Due to the global economic crisis and the impact of the adjustment policies imposed by successive La...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the contribution of the high unemployment rate for th...
RESUMEN: El presente documento analiza la evolución de la pobreza en España entre 2008 y 2018, once ...
The answer to the question posed by the title of this paper is not trivial, forcing us to research a...
Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies. Academic Year: 2018-2019After the Great Re...
Spanish GDP indicator figures recover while the risk of poverty has not stopped increasing since 200...
Europska unija je odredila kako će prevladati siromaštvo i značajno napredovati u iskorjenjivanju si...
The main purpose of the study is to analyse the poverty level changes in the chosen European Union c...
Authors thank funding from the research contract between the Universidad de Alcalá and the Ministry ...
In Spain, the issue of unemployment or precarious employment worsen with globalization, leading to a...
Las consecuencias económicas y sociales de una recesión no son homogéneas para toda la población. En...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the contribution of the high unemployment rate for th...
Ekonomsku krizu koja je prisutna u Španjolskoj od 2008. godine pratilo je povećanje nejednakosti i s...
The aims of this research are to assess the initial impact of the current economiccrisis on poverty ...
Artículo de revistaThis article describes the concept of population at risk of poverty or social exc...
Due to the global economic crisis and the impact of the adjustment policies imposed by successive La...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the contribution of the high unemployment rate for th...
RESUMEN: El presente documento analiza la evolución de la pobreza en España entre 2008 y 2018, once ...
The answer to the question posed by the title of this paper is not trivial, forcing us to research a...
Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies. Academic Year: 2018-2019After the Great Re...
Spanish GDP indicator figures recover while the risk of poverty has not stopped increasing since 200...
Europska unija je odredila kako će prevladati siromaštvo i značajno napredovati u iskorjenjivanju si...
The main purpose of the study is to analyse the poverty level changes in the chosen European Union c...
Authors thank funding from the research contract between the Universidad de Alcalá and the Ministry ...
In Spain, the issue of unemployment or precarious employment worsen with globalization, leading to a...
Las consecuencias económicas y sociales de una recesión no son homogéneas para toda la población. En...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the contribution of the high unemployment rate for th...