The 140th anniversary of the birth of the poet Dragutin Domjanić was marked in 2015. Composers Franjo Lučić, Vlaho Paljetak, Božidar Širola and Rudolf Matz set Domjanić’s verses to music, and this paper analyses some of these poems: “Popevka“ [“A Song“], “Kaj” [“What”], “Fala” [“Thank You”], “Popevke sem slagal” [“I Wrote Poems”], “Noć” [“The Night”], “Veter zgorec” [“The Mountain Wind”], “K suncu prosi vsaka roža” [“As Each Rose Stems towards the Sun”], “Snešica” [“A Young Girl”] and “Protuletna” [“A Spring Song”]. “K suncu prosi vsaka roža” [“As Each Rose Stems towards the Sun”], found in the collection “Pjevajte Gospodinu pjesmu novu” [“Sing to the Lord a New Song”] became part of the church liturgy. The poems “Fala” [“Thank You”] and “K...