In animal experiments it has been shown that mercury is excreted in the urine as soon as it has entered the blood stream, and that this excretion is continued as long as mercury can be demonstrated in the animal body. Accordingly, determination of mercury excretion is a fairly good method to demonstrate exposure to mercury compounds. In practical work it is possible to follow the degree of exposure in the amount of mercury excreted in the urine of the workers, and by means of this control to determine if protective measures are satisfactory or if they must be improved. To make such a control possible, a new method for the determination of mercury in the urine is developed. However, the organic mercury compounds are not stable and the excret...
Mercury is a toxic element which is easily absorbed after ingestion or inhalation and deposited main...
(CESTEH) has been studying the impact of mercury on human health in great diversity of circumstances...
Opisan je postupak za određivanje žive metodom besplamene atomske apsorpcije. živini spojevi spaljen...
Živa je teški metal koji se akumulira u svim organizmima, posebice u slatkovodnim i morskim organizm...
A reported case of mercury poisoning in a fermentation worker at a brewery was followed by a country...
The results of investigations of the distribution and excretion of organic and inorganic mercury com...
The spontaneous and chelator mediated excretion of mercury in urine was investigated in male subject...
Istaknuto je značenje profesionalnog otrovanja živom u vezi s problemima industrijske higijene. Prik...
The spontaneous and chelator mediated excretion of mercury in urine was investigated in male subject...
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na aktuální situaci týkající se rozsáhlého omezování používání rt...
Tematem i zarazem celem głównym pracy jest ocena ekspozycji na rtęć, jako jednego z ważnych problemó...
The subject of this bachelor work is the determination of content of mercury in selected samples, wh...
U skupini 100 ispitanika koji rade u pogonu elektrolize određivana je aktivnost urinarne N-acetil-be...
Byla vypracována literární část o problematice rtuti v životním prostředí a působení rtuti na lidský...
The bachelor{\crq}s dissertation on the topic ``Mercury and its Compounds in Environment{\crqq} disc...
Mercury is a toxic element which is easily absorbed after ingestion or inhalation and deposited main...
(CESTEH) has been studying the impact of mercury on human health in great diversity of circumstances...
Opisan je postupak za određivanje žive metodom besplamene atomske apsorpcije. živini spojevi spaljen...
Živa je teški metal koji se akumulira u svim organizmima, posebice u slatkovodnim i morskim organizm...
A reported case of mercury poisoning in a fermentation worker at a brewery was followed by a country...
The results of investigations of the distribution and excretion of organic and inorganic mercury com...
The spontaneous and chelator mediated excretion of mercury in urine was investigated in male subject...
Istaknuto je značenje profesionalnog otrovanja živom u vezi s problemima industrijske higijene. Prik...
The spontaneous and chelator mediated excretion of mercury in urine was investigated in male subject...
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na aktuální situaci týkající se rozsáhlého omezování používání rt...
Tematem i zarazem celem głównym pracy jest ocena ekspozycji na rtęć, jako jednego z ważnych problemó...
The subject of this bachelor work is the determination of content of mercury in selected samples, wh...
U skupini 100 ispitanika koji rade u pogonu elektrolize određivana je aktivnost urinarne N-acetil-be...
Byla vypracována literární část o problematice rtuti v životním prostředí a působení rtuti na lidský...
The bachelor{\crq}s dissertation on the topic ``Mercury and its Compounds in Environment{\crqq} disc...
Mercury is a toxic element which is easily absorbed after ingestion or inhalation and deposited main...
(CESTEH) has been studying the impact of mercury on human health in great diversity of circumstances...
Opisan je postupak za određivanje žive metodom besplamene atomske apsorpcije. živini spojevi spaljen...