Polizym® preparati pospješuju probavu i razgradnju kompleksnijih molekula hrane na jednostavnije i time utječu i na efikasniju pretvorbu hranjivih tvari u tjelesna tkiva. lstraživan je utjecaj dodavanja enzimatskih preparata pod trgovačkim naizivima Polizym®, Polizym®-G i Polizym®-BX na proizvodnju mesa tovnih pilića. Biološka učinkovitost dodanih enzima očitovana je povoljnijim tovnim i klaoničkim značajkama (živa masa, konvezija, klaonička masa) pokusnih u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu pilića. Ekonomskom analizom potvrđena je opravdanost dodavanja Polizyma®, Polizyma®- G i Polizyma®-BX u smjese za tovne piliće.Polizym® preparations improve digestion and decomposition of complex molecules of food to simpler ones thus affecting more efficient...
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of feedstuffs supplemented with extruded peas a...
The effect of the use of exogenous enzymes in poultry feeding depends on a number of factors: on the...
Provedeno je istraživanje na brojlerima Ross 308 kako bi se istražio utjecaj različitih razina sirov...
Svrha istraživanja bila je da se ustanovi utjecaj dodavanja polienzimskih preparata (1. skupini kont...
U pokusu u kojem su uključena 24 brojlera s tjelesnom masom od 1760 g ispitivan je tijekom pet dana ...
Bibliogr. str. galeThe influence of phytogenic feed additives Digestarom- 1317 and Aviance on the gr...
The paper presents the most important aspects of the action of exogenous enzymes (amylase, xylanase...
The multienzyme preparation, as a stabilised mixture of enzymes: ß-glucanase, xylanase, α-amylase,...
Abstract: Subsequent to banning of use of antibiotics as growth promoter sin poultry nutrition, nume...
V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali novejši encimi fitaze izkazujejo boljšo aktivnost in učinkovit...
Provedenim istraživanjem htjeli smo utvrditi dali postoje razlike prilikom različitog načina hranjen...
Today’s poultry is in the need of the finding new ways to increase the bird’s productivity and the p...
Peradarska proizvodnja broilera bitan je izvor opskrbe domaćeg tržišta s mesom i predstavlja jedan o...
Subsequent to banning of use of antibiotics as growth promoter sin poultry nutrition, numerous studi...
The effect of dietary supplementation of a commercial multi-enzyme complex (Avizyme 1500TM) on the p...
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of feedstuffs supplemented with extruded peas a...
The effect of the use of exogenous enzymes in poultry feeding depends on a number of factors: on the...
Provedeno je istraživanje na brojlerima Ross 308 kako bi se istražio utjecaj različitih razina sirov...
Svrha istraživanja bila je da se ustanovi utjecaj dodavanja polienzimskih preparata (1. skupini kont...
U pokusu u kojem su uključena 24 brojlera s tjelesnom masom od 1760 g ispitivan je tijekom pet dana ...
Bibliogr. str. galeThe influence of phytogenic feed additives Digestarom- 1317 and Aviance on the gr...
The paper presents the most important aspects of the action of exogenous enzymes (amylase, xylanase...
The multienzyme preparation, as a stabilised mixture of enzymes: ß-glucanase, xylanase, α-amylase,...
Abstract: Subsequent to banning of use of antibiotics as growth promoter sin poultry nutrition, nume...
V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali novejši encimi fitaze izkazujejo boljšo aktivnost in učinkovit...
Provedenim istraživanjem htjeli smo utvrditi dali postoje razlike prilikom različitog načina hranjen...
Today’s poultry is in the need of the finding new ways to increase the bird’s productivity and the p...
Peradarska proizvodnja broilera bitan je izvor opskrbe domaćeg tržišta s mesom i predstavlja jedan o...
Subsequent to banning of use of antibiotics as growth promoter sin poultry nutrition, numerous studi...
The effect of dietary supplementation of a commercial multi-enzyme complex (Avizyme 1500TM) on the p...
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of feedstuffs supplemented with extruded peas a...
The effect of the use of exogenous enzymes in poultry feeding depends on a number of factors: on the...
Provedeno je istraživanje na brojlerima Ross 308 kako bi se istražio utjecaj različitih razina sirov...