In the second paper of the series the distribution of six species of Ganoderma in Yugoslavia: G. adspersum, G. applanatum, G. carnosum, G. lucidum, G. pfeijferi and G. resinaceum is presented and discussed.Prikazana je rasprostranjenost u Jugoslaviji šest vrsta roda Ganoderma. Lokaliteti su navedeni u engleskom tekstu i označeni na kartama. Najčešća je od tih vrsta G. applanatum, koja raste u prvom redu u gorskim šumama na drvetu bukve, katkad i jele, no nađena je i u nižim položajima, čak i na jadranskoj obali, a ustanovljena na 11 rodova drveća. Većinom je saprofit; rijetko se susreće na živim stablima kao parasit. Osobito je interesantna G. adspersum o kojoj je već pisano prije više godina (Tortić 1971), ali se broj poznatih lokaliteta o...
Porodica Lachnocladiaceae sadržava 6 rodova, od toga tri dolaze samo u tropima. Za Jugoslaviju su iz...
Seven species of resupinate polypores are presented as new tor Yugoslavia. Two of them, Fibuloporia ...
During the three years’ investigations of the mycoflora of Gorski Kotar, a total of 282 species was ...
In the second paper of the series the distribution of six species of Ganoderma in Yugoslavia: G. ads...
Ganoderma adspersum (S. Schulz.) Donk is considered to be the correct name for G. europaeum Steyaert...
U Jugoslaviji je do sada objavljeno nekoliko radova (vidi engleski tekst), u kojima se navode makrom...
Ukratko je prikazana rasprostranjenost 15 vrsta korticioidnih gljiva u Jugoslaviji. Zbog ograničenog...
The authors present 22 species of pore fungi either rare or new for Jugoslavia. Five of them (Chaeto...
110 taxa are reported from NW Jugoslavia of which 39 are commented upon. 9 of these are new to Jugos...
Nacionalni parkovi i prirodni rezervati predstavljaju, zbog mnoštva mrtvog drveta, pravi Eldorado za...
Seven species of higher fungi from the Plitvicka Jezera National Park, growing on wood of conifers, ...
Localities in Jugoslavia are presented for the following rare species of higher fungi: Sistotrema co...
During the investigation of lignicolous higher fungi in the southernmost part of Macedonia, in the v...
In this paper the vegetation of the orders Isoetetalia and Magnocaricetalia on the of Vukomeričke go...
U radu se objavljuju nova nalazišta i karte rasprostranjenja za pet rijetkih biljnih vrsta u flori H...
Porodica Lachnocladiaceae sadržava 6 rodova, od toga tri dolaze samo u tropima. Za Jugoslaviju su iz...
Seven species of resupinate polypores are presented as new tor Yugoslavia. Two of them, Fibuloporia ...
During the three years’ investigations of the mycoflora of Gorski Kotar, a total of 282 species was ...
In the second paper of the series the distribution of six species of Ganoderma in Yugoslavia: G. ads...
Ganoderma adspersum (S. Schulz.) Donk is considered to be the correct name for G. europaeum Steyaert...
U Jugoslaviji je do sada objavljeno nekoliko radova (vidi engleski tekst), u kojima se navode makrom...
Ukratko je prikazana rasprostranjenost 15 vrsta korticioidnih gljiva u Jugoslaviji. Zbog ograničenog...
The authors present 22 species of pore fungi either rare or new for Jugoslavia. Five of them (Chaeto...
110 taxa are reported from NW Jugoslavia of which 39 are commented upon. 9 of these are new to Jugos...
Nacionalni parkovi i prirodni rezervati predstavljaju, zbog mnoštva mrtvog drveta, pravi Eldorado za...
Seven species of higher fungi from the Plitvicka Jezera National Park, growing on wood of conifers, ...
Localities in Jugoslavia are presented for the following rare species of higher fungi: Sistotrema co...
During the investigation of lignicolous higher fungi in the southernmost part of Macedonia, in the v...
In this paper the vegetation of the orders Isoetetalia and Magnocaricetalia on the of Vukomeričke go...
U radu se objavljuju nova nalazišta i karte rasprostranjenja za pet rijetkih biljnih vrsta u flori H...
Porodica Lachnocladiaceae sadržava 6 rodova, od toga tri dolaze samo u tropima. Za Jugoslaviju su iz...
Seven species of resupinate polypores are presented as new tor Yugoslavia. Two of them, Fibuloporia ...
During the three years’ investigations of the mycoflora of Gorski Kotar, a total of 282 species was ...