Pokus bol realizovaný na experimentálnej báze v priebehu dvoch vegetačných období 2011/2012 a 2012/2013 pod pšenicou letnou f. ozimnou. Štúdia bola zameraná na stanovenie dynamiky anorganických foriem dusíka vplyvom rôznych spôsobov obrábania. V experimente boli použité tri spôsoby obrábania: B1 -> konvenčný spôsob obrábania – stredne hlboká orba (do 0,25 m); B2 -> plytká orba (do 0,20 m); B3 -> minimalizačný spôsob obrábania – tanierovanie (do 0,15 m). V každom spôsobe obrábania bolo použité NPK hnojenie na základe aktuálneho obsahu živín v pôde a so súčasným zapracovaním pozberových zvyškov predplodiny. Koncentrácie dusičnanového dusíka (1,29 mg*kg-1 – 29,68 mg*kg-1) a amónneho dusíka (0,13 mg*kg-1 – 14,34 mg*kg-1) mali výraznú dynamiku p...
The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of nitrogen on oilseed rape (Brassica napus ...
Field experiments were conducted at the Research Experimental Station Dolná Malanta, Western Slovaki...
The field experiment was set up as a block plot design with four replications on the experimental ba...
Pokus bol realizovaný na experimentálnej báze v priebehu dvoch vegetačných období 2011/2012 a 2012/2...
We researched the influence of soil cultivation and fertilization on changes of nitrate, ammonium an...
V poľnom maloparcelovom pokuse založenom na experimentálnej báze Dolná Malanta bola v rokoch 2004 a ...
Cieľom pokusu bolo zistiť dynamiku obsahu dusíka (N) v nadzemnej fytomase trávnika po hnojení rôznyc...
Also, each treatment of the field results in a certain stress for the plants. The natural physiologi...
The experiments were carried out at the Látókép experimental station of the University of Debrecen o...
The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of different soil cultivation and fertilization me...
In the years 2013-2015 a field experiment was carried out, whose aim was to determine the response o...
In this paper, we report on the results of our investigation into the effects of different tillage, ...
In order to improve nitrogen fertilizers application recommendations for cereals, the soil mineral n...
Cieľom práce bolo hodnotenie koncentrácie dusičnanového, amónneho a dusitanového dusíka, celkového a...
Many species of Fusariumfungi can produce a number of different mycotoxins including trichothecenes ...
The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of nitrogen on oilseed rape (Brassica napus ...
Field experiments were conducted at the Research Experimental Station Dolná Malanta, Western Slovaki...
The field experiment was set up as a block plot design with four replications on the experimental ba...
Pokus bol realizovaný na experimentálnej báze v priebehu dvoch vegetačných období 2011/2012 a 2012/2...
We researched the influence of soil cultivation and fertilization on changes of nitrate, ammonium an...
V poľnom maloparcelovom pokuse založenom na experimentálnej báze Dolná Malanta bola v rokoch 2004 a ...
Cieľom pokusu bolo zistiť dynamiku obsahu dusíka (N) v nadzemnej fytomase trávnika po hnojení rôznyc...
Also, each treatment of the field results in a certain stress for the plants. The natural physiologi...
The experiments were carried out at the Látókép experimental station of the University of Debrecen o...
The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of different soil cultivation and fertilization me...
In the years 2013-2015 a field experiment was carried out, whose aim was to determine the response o...
In this paper, we report on the results of our investigation into the effects of different tillage, ...
In order to improve nitrogen fertilizers application recommendations for cereals, the soil mineral n...
Cieľom práce bolo hodnotenie koncentrácie dusičnanového, amónneho a dusitanového dusíka, celkového a...
Many species of Fusariumfungi can produce a number of different mycotoxins including trichothecenes ...
The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of nitrogen on oilseed rape (Brassica napus ...
Field experiments were conducted at the Research Experimental Station Dolná Malanta, Western Slovaki...
The field experiment was set up as a block plot design with four replications on the experimental ba...