U numizmatičkoj zbirci Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu čuva se jedna brončana medalja (kardinal Pietro Bembo, 1539./40.), kao i jedan primjerak zlatnog novca (Firenze, Alessandro Medici, 1532.-37.), djela firentinskoga kipara, zlatara i medaljera Benvenuta Cellinija (1500.-1571.)In 1913 Josip Brunšmid, director of the Zagreb National Museum Archaeological Department acquired a specimen of the Pietro Bembo medal, attributed to Benvenuto Cellini, for 45 Autrian crowns in Munich (Helbing), from the holdings of the numismatic dealers\u27 Zschiesche and Koeder from Leipzig, then in liquidation. On the obverse there is the bust of Pietro Bembo, bareheaded, bald, with long beard, in bishop\u27s cloak, r., and a Pegasus r. on the reverse. How the firs...