U radu su ispitivane promene nekih biohemijskih parametara jetre pod uticajem induktora (grizeofulvin i fenitoin) i inhibitora (metronidazol, hloramfenikol i fenilbutazon), citohroma P-450, lekova sa purinskom strukturom (aminofilin, ksantinolnikotinat, pentoksifilin, azatioprin, tiogvanin i 6-merkaptopurin) i spojeva iz grupe pesticida (lindan, binapikril, paration). Ispitivani su sledeći parametri: vijabilnost hepatocita, sadržaj glutationa i citohroma P-450, te aktivnost ksantinoksidaze i lipoperoksidaze. Ogledi na Wistar pacovima vršeni su na dva načina. U ogledima in vivo životinje su tokom tri dana dobijale navedene supstance, nakon čega su izolirani hepatociti i određivani biokemijski parametri. U ogledima in vitro vijabilni hepatoci...
La toxicité hépatique des xénobiotiques constitue un sujet extrêmement riche, au vu des multiples mé...
Some characteristics of rat hepatocytes, isolated by a non-perfusion technique, have been examined i...
Isolated hepatocytes from adult male Wistar rats are a suitable experimental model to study the cyto...
U radu su ispitivane promene nekih biohemijskih parametara jetre pod uticajem induktora (grizeofulvi...
Ispitan je uticaj pesticida lindana, binapakrila i parationa na: sadržaj citohroma P450, glutationa,...
In medicine, food industry, agriculture and other areas synthetic and natural substances are used, w...
The aim of the work was to evaluate cytotoxicity of selected substances using two cellular models re...
The object of investigation: the pharmacological substances the deriveatives of oxypiridine. The pur...
W niniejszej pracy dokonano analizy i oceny modelu hepatotoksyczności wywołanej dożołądkowym podanie...
Ispitan je efekt 1,2-dihlorbenzena, 1,2,3,4- tetrahlorbenzena, 1,2,3,5- -tetrahlorbenzena, pentahlor...
Primarna bilijarna ciroza (PBC) je autoimunska bolest jetre koju karakteriše destrukcija intrahepati...
Evaluation of the xenobiotic biotransformation capability of six rodent hepatoma cell lines in compa...
304-313. This investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of modulation of several phase I x...
Any disturbances in the organism caused by infection, drug administration, vaccination, etc., are ac...
Poškození jater má rozmanitou škálu příčin. V důsledku jejich postavení v metabolismu xenobiotik doc...
La toxicité hépatique des xénobiotiques constitue un sujet extrêmement riche, au vu des multiples mé...
Some characteristics of rat hepatocytes, isolated by a non-perfusion technique, have been examined i...
Isolated hepatocytes from adult male Wistar rats are a suitable experimental model to study the cyto...
U radu su ispitivane promene nekih biohemijskih parametara jetre pod uticajem induktora (grizeofulvi...
Ispitan je uticaj pesticida lindana, binapakrila i parationa na: sadržaj citohroma P450, glutationa,...
In medicine, food industry, agriculture and other areas synthetic and natural substances are used, w...
The aim of the work was to evaluate cytotoxicity of selected substances using two cellular models re...
The object of investigation: the pharmacological substances the deriveatives of oxypiridine. The pur...
W niniejszej pracy dokonano analizy i oceny modelu hepatotoksyczności wywołanej dożołądkowym podanie...
Ispitan je efekt 1,2-dihlorbenzena, 1,2,3,4- tetrahlorbenzena, 1,2,3,5- -tetrahlorbenzena, pentahlor...
Primarna bilijarna ciroza (PBC) je autoimunska bolest jetre koju karakteriše destrukcija intrahepati...
Evaluation of the xenobiotic biotransformation capability of six rodent hepatoma cell lines in compa...
304-313. This investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of modulation of several phase I x...
Any disturbances in the organism caused by infection, drug administration, vaccination, etc., are ac...
Poškození jater má rozmanitou škálu příčin. V důsledku jejich postavení v metabolismu xenobiotik doc...
La toxicité hépatique des xénobiotiques constitue un sujet extrêmement riche, au vu des multiples mé...
Some characteristics of rat hepatocytes, isolated by a non-perfusion technique, have been examined i...
Isolated hepatocytes from adult male Wistar rats are a suitable experimental model to study the cyto...