This work presents the situation in the Austrian province of Dalmatia from the end of 1916 to the end of the First World War. In the lives of its inhabitants, this period was characterized by hardships, with starvation the most severe among them. Many problems confronted by the civilian population were connected to the consequences of the First World War on life in the hinterland. The particularities of political life are shown in their main contours
This paper examines the social and political situation in Zagreb after the “Exceptional Measures in ...
Diplomski rad se bavi povijesnom analizom iseljavanja iz Kraljevine Dalmacije u razdoblju od 1860. d...
U radu autor na temelju neobjavljene arhivske građe, onodobne periodike i znanstvene literature anal...
This work presents the situation in the Austrian province of Dalmatia from the end of 1916 to the en...
The author is dealing with the political situation in Croatian lands during the period from 1867 to ...
The murder of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914 launched a new political process in Dalmatia. Curr...
Cilj ovog rada je pobliže upoznati situaciju u Dalmaciji za vrijeme Prvog svjetskog rata, s naglasko...
Dinastija Habsburg jedna je od najstarija europskih vladarskih dinastija, koja se s Kraljevinom Hrva...
On the basis of scholarly literature, archival materials and available newspapers from the period, t...
Na temelju Ilustrovanog lista i dostupne literature, autor prikazuje političke, ratne i društvene do...
The inhabitants of the cities and islands of the Dalmatian coast were the successors of the citizens...
Vladavina Franje Josipa bila je dugotrajno i promjenjivo razdoblje Habsburške Monarhije. Nakon revol...
U ovome radu, govoriti će se općenito o važnim temama društva Trojedne Kraljevine Hrvatske, Dalmacij...
Dok europske sile vode Rat za španjolsko nasljeđe, car Leopold I. Habsburg polako uviđa problem neri...
The census of 1857 was the first census in the Habsburg Empire where the occupations of those conscr...
This paper examines the social and political situation in Zagreb after the “Exceptional Measures in ...
Diplomski rad se bavi povijesnom analizom iseljavanja iz Kraljevine Dalmacije u razdoblju od 1860. d...
U radu autor na temelju neobjavljene arhivske građe, onodobne periodike i znanstvene literature anal...
This work presents the situation in the Austrian province of Dalmatia from the end of 1916 to the en...
The author is dealing with the political situation in Croatian lands during the period from 1867 to ...
The murder of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914 launched a new political process in Dalmatia. Curr...
Cilj ovog rada je pobliže upoznati situaciju u Dalmaciji za vrijeme Prvog svjetskog rata, s naglasko...
Dinastija Habsburg jedna je od najstarija europskih vladarskih dinastija, koja se s Kraljevinom Hrva...
On the basis of scholarly literature, archival materials and available newspapers from the period, t...
Na temelju Ilustrovanog lista i dostupne literature, autor prikazuje političke, ratne i društvene do...
The inhabitants of the cities and islands of the Dalmatian coast were the successors of the citizens...
Vladavina Franje Josipa bila je dugotrajno i promjenjivo razdoblje Habsburške Monarhije. Nakon revol...
U ovome radu, govoriti će se općenito o važnim temama društva Trojedne Kraljevine Hrvatske, Dalmacij...
Dok europske sile vode Rat za španjolsko nasljeđe, car Leopold I. Habsburg polako uviđa problem neri...
The census of 1857 was the first census in the Habsburg Empire where the occupations of those conscr...
This paper examines the social and political situation in Zagreb after the “Exceptional Measures in ...
Diplomski rad se bavi povijesnom analizom iseljavanja iz Kraljevine Dalmacije u razdoblju od 1860. d...
U radu autor na temelju neobjavljene arhivske građe, onodobne periodike i znanstvene literature anal...