Autor je pronašao kod jedne pacijentice pet mandibularnih inciziva, koji se međusobno nisu razlikovali. Arcus dentalis inferior bio je simetričan u odnosu na medijalnu ravninu, te se uslijed toga nije moglo zaključiti koji je od pet mandibularnih inciziva prekobrojan zub.The author presents a case with 5 mandibular incisor teeth without any difference between them. The mandibular dental arch was symmetrical about the midplane so that no conclusion could be made as to which one of the five incisor teeth was a supernumerary tooth.Der Autor hat bei einer Patientin fünf Schneidezähne im Unterkiefer feststellen können die in ihrem morphologischen Aufbau keinen Unterschied aufwiesen. Der Arcus dentalis inferior war in Bezug auf die mediane Linie ...