Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je utvrditi optimalnu gustoću sjetve i gnojidbu dušikom za industrijsku konoplju sorte Kompolti uzgajanu primarno radi stabljike. Istraživanja su provedena kroz poljske pokuse postavljene na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima u 2003., 2004. i 2005. godini. Istraživane su tri gustoće sjetve (100, 200 i 300 klijavih sjemenki/m2) i četiri razine gnojidbe dušikom (0, 60, 120 i 180 kg/ha). Pokus je postavljen po split-blok metodi u pet ponavljanja. Sorta Kompolti postigla je vrlo visok prosječan prinos ukupne biomase (34,6 t/ha) i prinos zrako-suhe stabljike (14,3 t/ha) u tri klimatski vrlo različite godine istraživanja. Rezultati ovih istraživanja pokazuju da ukoliko nam nije važna količina i kvali...
The aim of this study was evaluated change of botanical composition and dry matter yield influenced ...
The development of new cultivars with high yield, better quality and high adaptability to different ...
Due to its yields, biomass quality and biomass suitability for ensiling, diversity of use in feedstu...
This paper encompasses the three-year results of the comparative investigation of biophysical and bi...
Study the influence the conditions of production and the mass of mother tubers on yield of potato va...
In Serbia, in the majority of sweet cherry orchards, vigorous rootstocks (Mazzard and Mahaleb seedli...
The paper presents the results of a five year (from 2 to 6 vegetation) which compared two growth for...
Effects of different substrate mixtures on more important parameters of generative potential in Cler...
Jedno od obećavajućih alternativnih energetskih rješenja je proizvodnja bioplina anaerobnom razgradn...
In this work the influence of crop density and sugar beet varieties of different types (Alfonsa- E...
Istraživanje je provedeno kroz poljske pokuse na pokušalištu Visokoga gospodarskog učilišta u Križev...
Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi količinu i ogrijevnu vrijednost biomase istraživanih sorti soje i kol...
Important pomologic-technological properties in 10 promising Oblačinska sour cherry clones, selected...
Both yield and quality of soybean grains of various cultivars under different agroecological conditi...
U poljskome pokusu tijekom dvije godine na dvije lokacije istočne Hrvatske (Osijek i Vinkovci) istra...
The aim of this study was evaluated change of botanical composition and dry matter yield influenced ...
The development of new cultivars with high yield, better quality and high adaptability to different ...
Due to its yields, biomass quality and biomass suitability for ensiling, diversity of use in feedstu...
This paper encompasses the three-year results of the comparative investigation of biophysical and bi...
Study the influence the conditions of production and the mass of mother tubers on yield of potato va...
In Serbia, in the majority of sweet cherry orchards, vigorous rootstocks (Mazzard and Mahaleb seedli...
The paper presents the results of a five year (from 2 to 6 vegetation) which compared two growth for...
Effects of different substrate mixtures on more important parameters of generative potential in Cler...
Jedno od obećavajućih alternativnih energetskih rješenja je proizvodnja bioplina anaerobnom razgradn...
In this work the influence of crop density and sugar beet varieties of different types (Alfonsa- E...
Istraživanje je provedeno kroz poljske pokuse na pokušalištu Visokoga gospodarskog učilišta u Križev...
Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi količinu i ogrijevnu vrijednost biomase istraživanih sorti soje i kol...
Important pomologic-technological properties in 10 promising Oblačinska sour cherry clones, selected...
Both yield and quality of soybean grains of various cultivars under different agroecological conditi...
U poljskome pokusu tijekom dvije godine na dvije lokacije istočne Hrvatske (Osijek i Vinkovci) istra...
The aim of this study was evaluated change of botanical composition and dry matter yield influenced ...
The development of new cultivars with high yield, better quality and high adaptability to different ...
Due to its yields, biomass quality and biomass suitability for ensiling, diversity of use in feedstu...