U ovom radu analizirana je kinetika nastanka boridnih slojeva na nelegiranim C15 i C70W2 čelicima. Boriranje u krutom sredstvu provedeno je u temperaturnom intervalu 870 ÷ 970 °C u trajanju 4 ÷ 8 h. Prosječna debljina boridnih slojeva na čeliku C15 kreće se u intervalu 69,9 ÷ 239,2 µm, a na čeliku C70W2 u intervalu 60,6 ÷ 181,2 µm. Mikrotvrdoća boridnog sloja određena je Vickersovom metodom HV 0,1. Utvrđeno je da je tvrdoća željeznog borida Fe2B približno jednaka za oba čelika i da ne ovisi o temperaturi i trajanju boriranja. Na osnovu prosječnih debljina boridnih slojeva i uz pomoć klasične metode za boriranje oba čelika određene su vrijednosti aktivacijske energije i faktora frekvencije. Na osnovu ovih vrijednosti za oba čelika dobiveni s...
In this work, the kinetics of formation of the boride layers (FeB/Fe2B), formed on the X200CrMoV1...
This present work investigates the effect of the time duration on the boriding kinetics of...
277-287In the present work, the AISI 4150 steel has been pack-borided in the temperature range of 11...
U ovom radu analizirana je kinetika nastanka boridnih slojeva na nelegiranim C15 i C70W2 čelicima. B...
This study focuses on evaluation of borides formed on C45 steel. Pack boronizing is carried out at a...
In present study, kinetic studies on borided AISI 5140, AISI 4340 and AISI D2 steels are reported. S...
In this study, the case properties and diffusion kinetics of DIN X6Cr17 steel borided in Ekabor-II ...
Zadatak ovog završnog radaje ispitati i eksperimentalno prikazati utjecaj temperature boriranja na d...
The present study reports on boride layer growth kinetics of borided AISI 4140 steel. Steels were bo...
In this study, the case properties and diffusion kinetics of GS18NiMoCr36 (GS18), GS22NiMoCr56 (GS2...
The powder-pack boriding technique with an open retort was used to form borided layers on X165CrV12 ...
In this study, boride layers on C70W2 steel, obtained by boronizing at temperatures ranging from 870...
Bu çalışmada AISI 5140 ve AISI 420 çelikleri 1123, 1173 ve 1223 K sıcaklıklarında2,4 ve 6 saat sürey...
Growth kinetics of the boride layers formed on SAE 1035 steel has been investigated during...
In this study, the case properties and diffusion kinetics of AISI 310 and AISI 430 steels borided i...
In this work, the kinetics of formation of the boride layers (FeB/Fe2B), formed on the X200CrMoV1...
This present work investigates the effect of the time duration on the boriding kinetics of...
277-287In the present work, the AISI 4150 steel has been pack-borided in the temperature range of 11...
U ovom radu analizirana je kinetika nastanka boridnih slojeva na nelegiranim C15 i C70W2 čelicima. B...
This study focuses on evaluation of borides formed on C45 steel. Pack boronizing is carried out at a...
In present study, kinetic studies on borided AISI 5140, AISI 4340 and AISI D2 steels are reported. S...
In this study, the case properties and diffusion kinetics of DIN X6Cr17 steel borided in Ekabor-II ...
Zadatak ovog završnog radaje ispitati i eksperimentalno prikazati utjecaj temperature boriranja na d...
The present study reports on boride layer growth kinetics of borided AISI 4140 steel. Steels were bo...
In this study, the case properties and diffusion kinetics of GS18NiMoCr36 (GS18), GS22NiMoCr56 (GS2...
The powder-pack boriding technique with an open retort was used to form borided layers on X165CrV12 ...
In this study, boride layers on C70W2 steel, obtained by boronizing at temperatures ranging from 870...
Bu çalışmada AISI 5140 ve AISI 420 çelikleri 1123, 1173 ve 1223 K sıcaklıklarında2,4 ve 6 saat sürey...
Growth kinetics of the boride layers formed on SAE 1035 steel has been investigated during...
In this study, the case properties and diffusion kinetics of AISI 310 and AISI 430 steels borided i...
In this work, the kinetics of formation of the boride layers (FeB/Fe2B), formed on the X200CrMoV1...
This present work investigates the effect of the time duration on the boriding kinetics of...
277-287In the present work, the AISI 4150 steel has been pack-borided in the temperature range of 11...