Splitski nadbiskup Rogerije i Toma Arhiđakon autori su jedinih dvaju neposrednih izvještaja o mongolskoj provali u Europu 1241./1242. Obojica su s napadačima bili u izravnom doticaju: prvi kao njihov višemjesečni zarobljenik, drugi kao stanovnik grada što su ga Mongoli umalo podsjeli. Njihovi opisi, nastali u vrijeme provale, uspoređuju se s izvještajima Ivana de Plano Carpini i Vilima od Rubruka koji su nekoliko godina kasnije bili poslani na istok sa zadatkom da istraže razne aspekte života Mongola. Članak je pokušaj rekonstrukcije razvoja predodžbe koju su Europljani imali o Mongolima (Tatarima), od prvih glasina o njima do kraja 13. stoljeća. Posebna je pažnja dana doživljaju Drugoga, kao i opreci: barbarsko/apokaliptički topos – ljudi ...
The Western campaign of the Mongols in Eastern and Central Europe in 1236–1242, led by Batu and the...
Dans cet article, M.B. présente l’émergence de l’Empire mongol en Eurasie comme un phénomène qui a m...
On the eve of the Mongol invasion of Hungary in 1241 in order to defend the country as successfully ...
Recent work by Jackson, Reichert and Schmieder among others has illuminated how Mongols and European...
El objetivo del artículo es examinar de qué manera, desde el punto de vista de la mentalidad, los eu...
Niniejsza praca traktuje o percepcji trzynastowiecznej kultury mongolskiej przez europejskich misjon...
In a 1250 C.E. letter to Pope Innocent IV regarding a possible Mongol invasion, King Bela IV of Hung...
Der Mongolische Frieden (pax mongolica) bezieht sich auf die Zeit, in der die Nachfahren von Dsching...
Cet article examine la singularité des Oïrats par rapport aux Mongols pour reconsidérer la pratique ...
The Mongol invasions of Central Asia were the greatest catastrophe in the history of Islamic civiliz...
The irruption of the Mongols led to profound changes in the political, cultural and confessional cli...
Dans cette monographie, l’auteur étudie la nature et les conditions dans lesquelles ont eu lieu les ...
Titelblatt und Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Einleitung II. Die monströsen Völkerschaften des Ostens 1...
The paper analyses certain military tactics employed by the Mongolian army, initially led by Genghis...
Die zentrale Frage der Arbeit geht den diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Päpsten und lateineuropäi...
The Western campaign of the Mongols in Eastern and Central Europe in 1236–1242, led by Batu and the...
Dans cet article, M.B. présente l’émergence de l’Empire mongol en Eurasie comme un phénomène qui a m...
On the eve of the Mongol invasion of Hungary in 1241 in order to defend the country as successfully ...
Recent work by Jackson, Reichert and Schmieder among others has illuminated how Mongols and European...
El objetivo del artículo es examinar de qué manera, desde el punto de vista de la mentalidad, los eu...
Niniejsza praca traktuje o percepcji trzynastowiecznej kultury mongolskiej przez europejskich misjon...
In a 1250 C.E. letter to Pope Innocent IV regarding a possible Mongol invasion, King Bela IV of Hung...
Der Mongolische Frieden (pax mongolica) bezieht sich auf die Zeit, in der die Nachfahren von Dsching...
Cet article examine la singularité des Oïrats par rapport aux Mongols pour reconsidérer la pratique ...
The Mongol invasions of Central Asia were the greatest catastrophe in the history of Islamic civiliz...
The irruption of the Mongols led to profound changes in the political, cultural and confessional cli...
Dans cette monographie, l’auteur étudie la nature et les conditions dans lesquelles ont eu lieu les ...
Titelblatt und Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Einleitung II. Die monströsen Völkerschaften des Ostens 1...
The paper analyses certain military tactics employed by the Mongolian army, initially led by Genghis...
Die zentrale Frage der Arbeit geht den diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Päpsten und lateineuropäi...
The Western campaign of the Mongols in Eastern and Central Europe in 1236–1242, led by Batu and the...
Dans cet article, M.B. présente l’émergence de l’Empire mongol en Eurasie comme un phénomène qui a m...
On the eve of the Mongol invasion of Hungary in 1241 in order to defend the country as successfully ...