Religion has returned as a political and cultural factor. After the political ideologies, whose secular and worldly promises of salvation had influenced the history of the 20th century in such a radical manner, had been (for the time being, at least) invalidated, the reappearance of religion on a global level cannot be overlooked: as a focal power as to how to conduct one’s life, as a guarantor of cultural identity, and as religious-political creativity. We cannot understand the current state of the world, its crises, conflicts and wars, but also the selfperception and self-awareness of non-European cultures and peoples anymore, if we do not also realise that religion as a “power of life” (Max Weber’s “Lebensmacht”) has returned. In additi...
Are the things of this world given to thought? Are things really meant to be known, to be taken as t...
In his later years, Nietzsche restores the privileged position he gave to tragic art in The Birth of...
A discovery of The New Science, of which Vico became proud, was that of religion as the “principle” ...
It has been taken for granted that in western modernity we are dealing with a secularised world, an ...
Članak razmatra tri relevantna principa demokracije, inherentna suvremenom društvu: modernost, polit...
In this paper we discuss two different criticisms of liberal democracy. By analyzing the contemporar...
Contemporary multicultural societies for the most part frame themselves in terms of a procedural rat...
Moderna se globalizacija najblistavije manifestira u kulturi. To potvrđuje postojanje »masovne kultu...
Zdravlje ili bolest zahvaća cijelu osobu: tijelo, psihu i duh. Ovo istraživanje podupire poziciju da...
Cilj je ovoga rada skroman: želim ponuditi osvrt na neke od posljednjih razvoja u epistemologiji, ok...
This article discusses conceptual ambiguities in relation to the current definitions of ‘death’. It ...
The essay reassess Sartre’s work as a philosophical synthesis of thought and struggle, in which auth...
Pitanje odnosa između osobe i prirode je modernoga porijekla, no ima svoje korijene u problemu (aute...
In the present essay I investigate Polanyi’s main arguments for academic freedom. Academic and polit...
The anthropological approach to the concept of identity is needed because “identity” (either persona...
Are the things of this world given to thought? Are things really meant to be known, to be taken as t...
In his later years, Nietzsche restores the privileged position he gave to tragic art in The Birth of...
A discovery of The New Science, of which Vico became proud, was that of religion as the “principle” ...
It has been taken for granted that in western modernity we are dealing with a secularised world, an ...
Članak razmatra tri relevantna principa demokracije, inherentna suvremenom društvu: modernost, polit...
In this paper we discuss two different criticisms of liberal democracy. By analyzing the contemporar...
Contemporary multicultural societies for the most part frame themselves in terms of a procedural rat...
Moderna se globalizacija najblistavije manifestira u kulturi. To potvrđuje postojanje »masovne kultu...
Zdravlje ili bolest zahvaća cijelu osobu: tijelo, psihu i duh. Ovo istraživanje podupire poziciju da...
Cilj je ovoga rada skroman: želim ponuditi osvrt na neke od posljednjih razvoja u epistemologiji, ok...
This article discusses conceptual ambiguities in relation to the current definitions of ‘death’. It ...
The essay reassess Sartre’s work as a philosophical synthesis of thought and struggle, in which auth...
Pitanje odnosa između osobe i prirode je modernoga porijekla, no ima svoje korijene u problemu (aute...
In the present essay I investigate Polanyi’s main arguments for academic freedom. Academic and polit...
The anthropological approach to the concept of identity is needed because “identity” (either persona...
Are the things of this world given to thought? Are things really meant to be known, to be taken as t...
In his later years, Nietzsche restores the privileged position he gave to tragic art in The Birth of...
A discovery of The New Science, of which Vico became proud, was that of religion as the “principle” ...